Chapter Eight: "Little Gil."

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I walk through the village of Liones, appreciating the early morning silence. I would really like to have a peaceful ay for once, honestly just one day of silence but I would still be to be with my friends. A world of silence? Impossible. The world is never completely silent, there will always be that one thing that plays in your head constantly reminding you that you're not always as alone as you think. 


I sense a presence behind me, I've felt it before and I know who it is. Meliodas. "So little sis, I knew I would find you here." his high and chipper voices annoys me sometimes, how is he always so happy? Even around someone like me he still manages to make me want to smile but the thoughts disgusts me. Smiling at big brother is one of the many soul things in life that he will obtain. A smile from the saddest person on earth. "What do you want brother? Can't you see I'm trying to relax?" I open one eye to look at him. He has his hands behind his head and his elbows out with a confident stance and a pep in his step. 

"You and Ban's birthday is pretty soon. How would you like to celebrate?" he remembers. Meliodas remembers my birthday? It's not like a celebrate it or anything but the  thought of someone remembering it warms my heart. "Wasn't our birthday a few weeks ago?" I raise a brow. Meliodas chuckles as if I had made a funny joke to amuse him by. "That was last year. It's a new year." I don't really like keeping track of time since there is not point in doing so. Ban, Meliodas, and Elizabeth could agree, time just makes you realize how much you lost and don't have left to life. 

I shrug my shoulders, it's already been a year? Already? It hasn't felt like it's been that long but I can also side that I've been training too hard to even realize. I can basically feel the steam puffing out of my ears as I think dully about his question, I haven't celebrated it in years so I don't really know how I would even want  celebrate it. There is nothing I request for my birthday or even anything I truly desire. 

Well, there is one thing but no one can make it happen so there's no point in even telling Meliodas what I think. He looks at me with a huge grin on his face, if I don't tell him something he'll just bug me until I reveal my wish so he can make it happen. I sigh, rolling my eyes at his eagerness to make me smile. "There is one thing, but it won't happen." I murmur, finally coming clean to someone about this other than King and Elizabeth. "I wish for a kiss from Ban." I nod. I had shut my eyes before saying it without even realizing it so when I open my eyes to Meliodas's Cheshire cat like grin I frown even more. He knows my feelings for Ban, Meliodas personally doesn't really approve of them but he couldn't think of a better person for me to have romantic feelings for other than someone he trusts with his life and more, his best friend. 

Meliodas and I head back to the tavern together, chatting about my birthday well rather, me listening about how he wants to plan my birthday. When we walk into the tavern all the sins, including Elizabeth and Hawk, are standing in the doorway shouting 'Happy Birthday' at me. 

I hate this.

All this unnecessary attention on my because a few thousands of years ago was my day of birth?  That doesn't make sense, the old me would have loved all the attention and would be disgusted that there wasn't more for me but the new me hates that they even made an effort to remember someone like me but the warm feeling returns when I realize they also remembered my birthday. 

"Happy Birthday Y/n!" Elizabeth cheers as she pulls me into her chest for a hug, my face pressed very tightly against her bust. When she lets go, Diane does the same. I can't get enough, it's either being squished against women's cleavage or being crushed in men's biceps. It's gets really annoying after awhile, all the attention and eyes on me. I just want today to be like every other day, training, then a long walk, some reading in my room, maybe even a bit more training then some ale to top the day off so I can talk to everyone for at least a few minutes so I'm not rude but that's how everyday is and that's how I want today to be. The same because nothing's different. 

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