Cruisin' for a Bruisin'

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Walking along the disgusting and dirty deck, I walked up some stairs and avoided getting crushed by a life boat. "Gotta reach the upper deck." I told myself and climbed up a  different life boat. The line on one end snapped and I clung onto the life boat as it went swinging. Somehow, I managed to make it onto the upper deck. I climbed higher, trying to reach the higher upper deck, and made it smacking the first guard I saw out.

Climbing up a crate, I whacked out another guard and pushed forwards I fell off a rusted platform, and and engage in a shootout with the remaining guys. "So much for stealth. God...I'm turning into Nate." I muttered and ran forwards taking down a huge guy with a sawed off shotgun.

I repeated this with two more big guys, and almost fell over as the ship lurched. Pulling a door open I jumped into the pool, and swam out. "All right, right into the lion's den." I said as i opened a door silently. "Let's actually attempt this quietly." I whispered to myself and began whacking guys out until I was spotted.

"It's never easy." I said as I threw a couple of grenades followed by heavy fire from my AK. Running forward I ducked behind cover and took out the guys with laser sight, that were firing RPGs. I ran out into the open, and under where those laser sight guys were, gunning down any pursuers.

After eliminating them, I readied myself to fight more. Sniping some guys that had come as reinforcements, I ran towards wher the hold was to get Nate. "All right, gotta get to the hold, gotta get Nate."

"There he is." I said once I'd entered the hold. "Nate! Nate?" Taking the hood off, I saw he wasn't there and turn around. "We're gonna end it now." Ramses says and I headbutt the gut with the rope and shoot Ramses in the head. They carted him off and more guys arrived to end me.

"That ain't good." I said as a hole was blown in the ship, which was starting to sink. Swimming up, I swam for crates, climbing up them and falling into a door causing the area I was in to fill up with water. "Aghh!!" A cabinet fell on my legs as the water rose past my head.

I struggled under the water and managed to get the heavy thing off, swimming up and taking what little air I could swimming through a vent duct. "Oh, lord no!" I yelled as I began running, then climbing with all of my might.

"Which way is up and out?" I asked as I made my way out, the ship on its side. Edging my way carefully past a gap, I climbed through a door and into the elevator. "!!" I yelled as the glass shattered beneath me and I was forced to climb again. "See you in hell, habibi." Ramses says and shoots the glass.

I ran and jumped into the ocean, floating on a plank, I blacked out, and woke up on sand a vulture in front of me. "Scram, little guy." I said and got up walking into the city. The bird kept looking at me inquisitively, and I pulled some wet bird seed from my pocket. "This is a couple months old, but here." I threw it towards the vulture.

Finding out where Emma was, I walked there, and opened the door, catching her by surprise.
Emma's pov

"Oh god, what happened to you Mika?" I asked and sat her down. "I'm okay." She says and I hug her, she asks, "Nate and Sully?" I tell her, "They're alive, but Marlowe's got them. They're in a convoy headed for the desert." Mika starts to stand up, "We've gotta go then." I stop her saying, "It's not that simple, they've got a two day headstart on us."

"Listen, I've got a plan. Remember when I brought you on that expedition to find the ark of the covenant?" She nods, "I did something like this then. Now we're doing it together. Okay, there's a cargo plane that they're going to be loading up oh, they're going to make a supply drop to the Convoy. We have to get on that plane."

Unpredictable Amour [Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception: Nathan Drake x OC] [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now