Arrival in Yemen

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"You're a sight for sore eyes." I say to Sully as he and Nate walk off the plane with Mikayla. "Amelia "Emma" Croft, foreign archeological site coordinator." Sully says going for a hand hold/hug and I say, "Sorry, that's sort of frowned upon here. You two can hold hands and hug though."

"How are you, Emma?" Nate asks and I say, "Good, thanks." He says, "You look great." I walk away then return saying, "So, against my better judgement, these permits will get you through most checkpoints." I handed the permits to them and state, "Oh and I shouldn't be worried about what's in those back right?" They respond, "No. Of course not."

"Well, yet anyway." I say and walk off, Sully and Nate hold hands while Mikayla walks next to me, "So, how's the experience?" I ask, and she says, "He seems like he misses you a lot, and I know you've turned this kind of work down before. So why-" I interrupt, "It was both of us. He wanted to continue adventuring and there were other things in life that needed me. We just decided that it was best."

Mikayla stops asking and we walk in silence, the guys following behind us. Reaching the door I turn around, "Remember, you two are technically archaeologists now. Try to act respectable like Mikayla and I." Nate jokingly asks Sully, "Think you can handle that?" Sully replies, "I think Em was talking to you."

I push through the doors, and once on the other side I asked, "So, what are you two reprobates up to?" Nate says, "It's just a little historical research." Mikayla bunched closer to me as I said, "So that explains the big rush." Nate says, "Exactly." I ask, "So, no cursed treasures, no diabolical warlords?" He says, "Nope."

"Oh, you are the worst liar." I say and he turns around, "You are." We were about to start arguing until Sully asked "Where's the car?" I point to it and he walks over there with Mikayla. "Nate." He interrupts, "You're still wearing it." I look at the ring and say, "Yeah, I am. It helps in this part of the world." He asks, "Really?" I say, "Look, don't flatter yourself. I see you're still wearing yours."

Nate grabs the ring around his neck. "That's what this is all about." I say realizing why Nate was here. "You don't understand. I finally proved it, Drake lying about his route through the East Indies 400 years ago he came here." I ask why and he says, "That's why we're here to find out."

Shaking my head I ask, "No, I mean why this obsession. I'm just worried, don't you remember when I told you the first time I read that back in Cartagena? You're trying to live up to that motto as if it's an expectation, but you don't have too." He tells me, "I can take care of myself." Interrupting I say, "I'm not talking about you." I gestured to Sully.

"What Sully?" He asks and I state, "He would go to to the ends of the earth for you, Nate. Just don't ask him to." I walk off towards the driver's seat and say, "Not a chance Sully. You three are my responsibility now and I'm not taking my eyes off of you." I start driving and we reach the new part of the city in no time.
New City [Still Emma's pov]

"If you're trying to pick up Francis Drake trail, we should head to the old quarter." I say and Sully says, "So this is the new point." I respond, "Well, it's all relative the city was founded at least three thousand years ago." Nate says, "Well, lead on."

Mikayla was still attached to me as we walked, looking around suspiciously. "At ease." I whispered to her. "The old city starts at that tower over there so we should head there first." I say and begin walking. I open the gate. "Now, I need you to be on your best behavior, and I mean it. The police here, they have patrols everywhere and we don't need to arouse their suspicions."

"Let's cut through the market." I say and walk through the busy street. We come across a police blockade "Alright, looks like they got the street blocked off, I'll go see what I can do and what I need you to do is, I need you three to just stay here." I tell them and go to talk to the police.
Narrator pov

Unpredictable Amour [Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception: Nathan Drake x OC] [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now