Showdown in Syria

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Nate, Kaylie, and Sully dropped into a watery part of the tunnel. "Great, water." Kaylie says as she throws one of the suiteds men down the steep drop behind her. Nate does the same with the man in front of him, and together they make it further into the area, climbing up, and through into a wide open yard.

"They could be anywhere. We have to find them." Kaylie says and they round the corner guns drawn and aimed, running into Charlie and Chloe, "Chloe!" Kaylie said relieved and gave a quick hug to the older woman. "What am I, chopped liver?" Charlie asks and Kaylie says, "Talk to someone who cares." She raises her hand as Chloe begins talking to Nate.

"Why aren't you guys in France?" Nate answers, "We're rescuing you?" Charlie questions why and Kaylie says, "We thought you were captured." Sully adds, "Or worse." Chloe asks, "Why?" and Kaylie says, "Well, Talbot had ambushed us at the Chateau, it was a trap."

Sully nods, "Yeah, we figured they must have followed you too." Charlie responds, "Wow. Yeah they're definitely here." Kaylie states, "Stop stating the obvious, captain claustroman."

"Claustroman?" Charlie asks Kaylie says, "You're a man and you have claustrophobia." Turning to Chloe she says, "Why couldn't we reach you? We've been trying to get in contact with you guys for over 24 hours." Charlie says, "That one's on me, I need to top up my minutes."

Nate asks, "You're using a prepaid phone?" Charlie explains, "Mate, those contracts are a complete rip-off." Kaylie looks at Chloe who says, "What? Mine's broken." Nate asks, "Again?"

Charlie grabs their attention, "Look, forget about that, you'll never guess what we discovered." He pulls out his note book. "I've got it all in here. Not only did Elizabeth's spy network stretch all the way over here, but they were all part of some sort of hermetic secret society. The British are called Secret Service, the school of night, the hellfire club, the Order of the Golden Dawn. They're all connected."

Kaylie says, "So, John Dee, Francis Walsingham, Walter Raleigh, and Sir Francis Drake were all a part of this hermetic secret society?" Charlie answers, "Yes, but for them it was all about power controlling their enemies through espionage, deception, and fear."

Sully interrupts before Charlie can continue, "Hey guys - " his interruption is ignored as Kaylie says, "So Marlowe and her crew, are part of the same secret order." Charlie nods, about to explain more, until Sully demands the main point. "Here. Quod est superious." Kaylie and Nate look at it, "est secret codus inferious." Nate finishes. "As above so below. The highest point. We have to get to the highest point of the castle." Kaylie says and Nate agrees.

"For one working stairs." Kaylie says relieved. They reach the top and spot Marlowe's men across the way, "The only way is through them." Nate says and Sully questions where their stealth approach went.

"We both knew that Nate is incapable of stealth for long periods of time. The plan was never going to hold out." Kaylie says earning a laugh from Chloe. Nate frowns and Chloe says, "Oh tell me she's wrong." They rush in and somehow survive the fire from the suited men.

Kaylie pulls out her sawed off shotgun and carefully aims, shooting down the guys with laser sight, headshot style. Once they were gone, she switched to her micro .9mm and helped finish off the remaining men. After they approached a gate, and they all crossed under. "Follow me." Nate tells them and they engage in another shootout, resulting in their victory.

Nate tackled a guy, however, and another guy threw a grenade near them and blew Nate outside the tower hanging on the outside. "Nate!" Kaylie shouted as the explosion knocked him onto the outside of the tower.

Kaylie followed him, climbing out and up behind him, shooting down the men who shot at them. "Sully!" Kaylie exclaimed  hearing him curse, and climbed in the castle running to where Sully was stuck and shooting down any pursuers.

Unpredictable Amour [Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception: Nathan Drake x OC] [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now