Mikayla Hajsenovik Info

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Full name: Mikayla Aoife Anglim- Hajsenovik

Hair color: Red - Brown(mixture)

Ethnicy: half Polish, half Irish

Age: 25

Eye color: Blue-Green

Date of Birth: November 16, 1994. Was given the name Mikayla in honor of her deceased great-grandmother by the same name.

Relatives: Deceased Father, Deceased Mother, Deceased Younger Sister

Occupation(s): Archeologist, Treasure Hunter

Achievements: Co-credited with Amelia on a few solo archeological discoveries, Former famous Archaeology Professor.

Abilities: Proficient in multiple martial arts favorite being kick boxing, can use a competition compound bow.

Nicknames by friends, family, and enemies: Mickey, Kaylie, Fe-fe(pronounced: fi-fi), Mika, Kayla, Aoife, Hajsenovik.


Mikayla was 15 when she met Amelia who had been adventuring with her younger cousin Lara. After being roped into their adventure, Mikayla was hooked by the thrill and peril of adventuring and she struck out on her own determined to make a name for herself. Amelia, however, was having none of that and made Mikayla go on some adventures with her to gain some experience first.

The job she was given was the job Sully had reached out to Amelia for, but she told Mikayla to do it.

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