Twenty Five | Extra Credit

Start from the beginning

"Wow they're both really cute!"

"How does that loser Gwen know them?"

Whispers flew across the classroom passed back and forth until Ms Warren stopped it.

"As some of you have noticed, we have two new students. Harry Osborn and Aura Tanner. Take a seat, class is starting." she said, and they walked up the aisle to sit at the desk behind us.

Without further ado, Ms Warren started the lecture, and Harry leaned forward.

"Sup gorgeous." he whispered, and I tried to fight back a smile.

"Not much." I whispered back.

"On a serious note, are you okay? I saw what happened on the news." he said, and I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good, just a little shaken up." I replied, and Aura leaned forward as well.

"You gonna tell us how you beat her or what?" Aura whispered, and I repressed a laugh.

"Hey cutie, how ya doin?" Harry was just messing with Peter at this point, and it was working. Fighting back another laugh, I launched into my whispered explanation.

"I got home, dumped my stuff inside and found this note on my door." I said, pulling up a picture I'd taken of the note after the police asked me for it. "I knew it wasn't from you but I went up to the roof anyway. I called the cops and recorded our conversation, and then she tried to kill me." I finished quietly, and Peter frowned at me worriedly; this was clearly the first time he heard the whole story, and even if he was mad at me, he still cared..

He looked as though he wanted to say something, but he remained quiet, shifting his attention back to the note.

"What's this word here?" he asked suddenly, pointing to one of the words on the note. It had an F and an S in it, but I had no idea what it meant.

"It could be fish." Aura whispered.

"I don't know, it might be a Maggia operative, but there not really a way to-"

"Ms Hardy, Mr Parker, Ms Tanner, Mr Osborn. I don't want to have to move you." Ms Warren said, and Flash snickered.

"Actually, there is..." Peter muttered as Ms Warren continued on.

"Ned, have you decrypted anything more about the list?" Peter muttered, trying not to draw attention from the history lecture on Harriet Tubman.

"Yeah, check this out." Ned said, angling his computer so Peter could see. "I clicked on Whitney's name and this profile popped up." Ned said, scrolling down the page. As I leaned over I caught a glimpse of the assignments she'd completed.

Walter Hardy - Deceased

Turning away from the computer I swallowed hard, bringing my hands up to my face to massage my eyes. My hands were cold, and they felt soothing pressed to my eyes.

Old emotions from my fathers death, long dormant, started to bubble, and I fought to keep them from spilling over. If Whitney had framed my father, who had killed him, and why had they framed him in the first place.

The security feed from that day had been accidentally deleted, and for some reason, maybe something to do with the coroner's report, it had been theorised by police that he'd known his killer.

The more I thought about it the more panicked I felt. My blood felt cold, ice flowing through my veins. My heart was pounding and black seeped into the edges of my vision. Tears blurred what little I could see, and my breath felt shallow.

I raised my hand, and the teacher glanced over at me.

"Yes, Ms Hardy?" he asked, still leaning on the podium at the front.

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