Chapter 9 ♛

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Time has passed since Anthony oh so rudely interrupted the hound Miss bridgerton and The prince...and What of Eloise who is desperately trying to uncover the identity of this Lady Whistledown



"Daisy?! that is no way to act," Mrs Bridgerton exclaimed

"No absolutely not!," Daisy huffed slumping back down into her seat, "why should I go have tea with Queen Charlotte if all she will do is bother me if I have been able to catch to eye of any suitors."

"well have you dear?"

"No..." she murmured with a pouty face, "not really."

"Well what have you been doing all this time," mama raised her voice slightly, "It has been a  month since you have entered society."

"I believe I can answer that question mama," Anthony came in and gave mama a quick kiss on the cheek, "My dear sister has been acquainting herself with The Prince of Prussia," as he gave Daisy a sinister smirk.

"You little-"

"Daisy!" Mama cut her off, "Now is not the time to insult your much as I wish you too."


"Oh shush Anthony. Now Daisy is it true you have been acquainting yourself with him?" as she raised an eyebrow

"It is not what you think," Daisy said shifting in her seat a bit, "I am merely helping him with a favor...Nothing more."

"And what favor is that?" 

Daisy stayed quiet fidgeting with her fingers as she bit her bottom lip

"Oh for heavens sake! He has asked her to help woo Daphne," Anthony threw his arms in the air 

Mama gasped, "Is this true Daisy?"

"yes it is. But it is not like Fred is interested in me?! I was merely just helping him," she huffed in annoyance.

Mama raised an eyebrow, "Fred?"

"Shit," she thought to herself

"I mean Prince Friedrich!"

Daisy jumped out of her seat and sprinted out the room towards the her bedroom


At the Queens Palace

𝓓𝓪𝓲𝓼𝔂'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥

"Miss Bridgerton how lovely to see that you accepted my invitation," Charlotte said with sass dripping through her teeth.

"Yes thank you," I curtsied, "Which we both know is a rarity," as I sat down with a sarcastic smile stamped on my face.

Yes I know I might be being a bit of brat towards the Queen but hey I do not wish to be here

"Daisy I suppose you do see that I believe you have a Great future. Seeing that your entrance into society was flawless," as she pet her ugly little fur ball that I am not quite fond of.

"A future with someone like a Prince...perhaps," I snapped my head back towards her

"I-I am not with the prince your majesty," I stammered, "We are mere friends that is all," as I sipped my hot tea.

"Well...if you were a pair in that way, Well it will be most Enchanting," I almost choked on my tea at the word Enchanting. 

"What do you inquire by that your majesty, If we are not a pair but just friends," as I set down my tea.

"It was just a thought," as she kept brushing through the golden fur of her pet Rat,"Though your older twin sister Daphne would be a much better pairing with the young prince considering well...she is more, graceful."

"If you are implying that I am unfit to be a 'love' interest of a prince," I air quoted love, "should I also be unfit to be with any other gentlemen?" I snapped

She turned her head back towards looking me up and down as she set her fur ball back down on the ground, "As I was saying."


"Indeed. Mozart"


After a dreadful afternoon tea with the Queen I headed upstairs towards the drawing room

"How was tea with the queen?" Daphne chimed in as she was playing piano forte

"Most dreadful," as I jumped onto one of the couches with absolute 'grace'

"How come?" as she gave me a look of concern

I crossed my arms, "Well for one she said I was not as graceful as you. Second that I am unfit to be with a Prince and last, her little hair ball is extremely ugly," as I huffed out a piece of my wavy dark hair out of my face.

"You must be joking?!" Daphne said as she stopped playing and headed towards me, "That is absolutely amusing!" as she started laughing at me

"Laugh all you want! I heard about what you and mama did," I smirked

hmph, "It was all mama's idea." 

"Pfftttt" as we both laughed


I made this chapter a bit longer. But anyways I have a treat to any criminal minds people 😏

 But anyways I have a treat to any criminal minds people 😏

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The Prince and I ♛ 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓸𝓷 ♛Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora