Chaper 16 ♛

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*Edited (was way too short)*

"Daisy! Oh Daisy!" Mama came rushing into the drawing, shaking my tea to death and not bothering to acknowledge her other offsprings. "Christ, mother you nearly gave me a heart attack!"

I rose from my spot with much haste and worry. "Daisy..." she heaved, "you have...a caller..." Mother practically fell on loveseat, her chest rising with each heavy breath.

"A caller?"

Who on earth would call me? Daphne surely...quite unusual hope they brought flowers I've been dying to smell some tulips recently. "We'll go on who is it!" I huffed with desperation.

"Lord Andrews Earl of Pembroke"

An Earl? "Christ, how old?" I fell to my mothers knees eyebrows scrunched. Please be younger than one and thirty, please be younger than one and thirty. I pleaded finger crossed behind my back.

Mother's eyes practically flowed even lighter than they already were, "eight and twenty my dearest, Oh! I Can already hear wedding bells. Now hurry my love we have an Earl to attend." She rose from the loveseat as if she were on clouds gliding her away from one's sight.

'Hmm' I slumped against the love dispersing all the air from my lungs. "I wonder what Freddy is up to." Sighing ... No don't be such an idiot daisy.  Slapping myself back into reality.

I have an Earl to attend to.


The sound of my Mothers voice carried throughout the hall, as I descended the stairs. Please be handsome, Please be Handsome.

"Ah! There you are my dear," Mother turned towards me positively beaming. Each step I took the weight against my chest got heavier and heavier.

Lord please be handsome, if not there will be hell to pay.

"May I introduce you to my daughter," My gaze followed the tips of his boots, to the deep navy of his pants, and finally his liquid brown eyes.

I blinked once, then twice, then maybe eight but whose counting. Swallowing my fear I gave him my most delicate curtsy, "Daisy please to meet you Lord...Lord...?" Fuck.

What the hell was that golden eggs name? Timothy? No, Farq-

Suddenly he gently grasped my hand, my ungloved hand. Placing a delicate kiss on the surface of my hot skin. His breath giving me a warm fan through my body.

"Andrews. Lord Andrews, Lovely to make your acquaintance my Lady."

I've dug myself an early grave.

Heavens he is pleasing to look at. I try to swallow something down but apparently dry throat seemed to be my current issue. Lord Andrew's head moved back up from where he kissed my hand to now unfortunately, my eyes.

For he had gorgeous crystalline eyes, pouty lips, and a smile that could make a nun fall. Though let's hope for that never to happen. Granted his eyes were as blue as Frederick's or was he as tall poor thing.

I must admit Lord Andrew's is a catch, and by the way my mother is practically fawning over him. She knows too.

Finally mustering up the courage I gave him one Daisy'a best smiles, "Charmed as well to meet your acquaintance. May I m-might wonder what the visit is for?" I question, my voice faltering towards the end. How embarrassing he must think of me as silly girl who can't, apparently speak clearly.

Lord Andrew's chuckled slightly at the question or perhaps the stuttering. He looked down at his feet slightly before reaching for the company of my mother's eyes, "Just thought i'd come and make myself known ... To you."

Christ, this 'diamond' crap was really getting to me. Making himself known? Only to me? What in under christ!

My eyes fluttered at his response as I swallowed down my saliva, "Well," a weak chuckle escaped , "Here I am."

"So you are."

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