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"tell me"

Last summer we met
started as friends
you can't tell me anything happened
But then everything changed and it was never the same
cause we lost our passion

I know that she would come through our way
but I never thought you would let it happen
and replace me the other day


I want you to know that you are the best thing
I never planned in my life
and I hope staying with her
is the only thing you like

Cause you right by my side
is everything I wanna call mine

so tell me what made you do this
what was the reason
I gave you everything I had
but your only intention
was breaking me into sections

I'm so sick of it and you can't stop me from hating it
cause everything you want was to break me
until I stopped faking

Our love wasn't right
but with the time
everything changed and we both stopped to pretend
and it was great so I never understood
what made you so blind
for thinking she is right

You had it all
everything of my heart was yours
But the only thing you did was to pull me down
Until I lost my crown


I want you to know that you are the best thing
I never planned in my life
and I hope staying with her
is the only thing you like

Cause you right by my side
is everything I wanna call mine

so tell me what made you do this
what was the reason
I gave you everything I had
but your only intention
was breaking me into sections

We walked every step together
we climbed every mountain hand in hand
But now our time is up and I walk alone
Until my heart is healed

for someone new

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