tw: drinking discussion, alcoholism

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undertale chars when drunk (i did this a long time ago but heres it revised):

toriel: canonically an rowdy nightmare. feel like she pukes a lot too. gets drunk off wine mostly but i can also see her having whiskey

sans: just gets more annoying tbh. very loud, his jokes get worse, hits on grillby if he's around and occasionally other guys if he's not. very cartoony drunk, pretty happy but very slurred speech, acts very dizzy, says a lot of stupid shit ect. he usually just spikes his ketchup with whatever he can find and if he orders a real drink in specific it will just be like 30 cheap beers

papyrus: drinks like twice a year and hasnt gotten drunk in years. despite not drinking in excess that many times he's got very good knowledge of when he's had enough so he'll usually only get tipsy and he admits people 'wont like him when drunk'. they usually assume he turns into an asshole or really annoying like toriel which isnt true he actually gets rlly sad and depressing and starts crying and ranting in bulk about every little thing he's kept bottled up to keep his happy persona. doesnt remember any of these nights he's just been told he 'gets depressing' while drunk and decided that doesnt sound fun for anyone involved so has stopped doing it. since he only ever gets tipsy and only ever drinks with company, meaning he has plenty of distractions, he's able to keep that side at bay and generally just gets giggly and a bit more likely to swear or talk about sex without screaming in embarrassment. its only if he really takes the plunge and drinks himself silly that the depressed side comes out. only likes 'sophisticated' drinks like wine or champagne but if he's at a more casual party at a club or something he'll have one (1) fruity cocktail to join in

undyne: aggressive drunk. shes banned from drinking out cos she kept starting bar fights. also like the opposite of papyus where she also knows her limits but absolutely never listens to them. she's fun to drink with at first but then she hits her limit, yells 'the night is still young' and keeps downing bottles until she's ruined everything and become an unlikable pain in the arse before at some point she blacks out. will pretty much drink anything and can down the cheapest alcohol by the bucket load without complaint

alphys: doesnt drink but this is a fairly new development. had a period where she used to drink heavily to cope with the amalgamates situation until mettaton convinced her to cut it out and started destroying alcohol on sight. she never had a drink preference and doesnt want to try it again. designated driver if papyrus decides he wants a drink

asgore: very similar situation to alphys only because of asriel and charas death, but he wasnt quite as bad (cos y'know he still had a kingdom to rule) and he's been sober for a LOT longer (cos he lives so long). generally doesnt like the taste of alcoholic drinks but he'll have a little (a very small amount) to join in if everyone else is drinking. if theres no drink in specific being served (like if its not champagne at new years or owt and they're at a pub instead) he'll take whatever papyrus is having because he trusts his tastes

mettaton: doesnt drink, has never drunk. never wanted to as a ghost, cant in his robot body and has been turned off by alphys even if he could. secretly dislikes all drinking but he fakes a positive attitude about responsible drinking for his reputation

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