Everyones voice should be the same because thats just Good

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Good character traits to carry over to underswap:


-UwU talk



-cant cook worth shit

-has no idea that flowey/temmy is dangerous ('i've never seen a flower cry before')


-makes puns

-scifi nerd


-likes awful, greasy food

-older bro if you portray the brothers with an age difference

-empty eye socket expression

-'heres some advice for fighting my brother: dont.'

-fucking with you (just to a lesser degree)

-his stats (and by extension his dodging skills and lack of invincibility frames)

-teleportation (its mentioned that papyrus is too lazy to move between posts and always puts it off so till he's running so late that sans is willing to teleport him)


-hates puns

-Kinde Man (he never threatens you at the resort and theres no implication he doesnt rlly want to be friends with you like there is w canon sans)


-likes cars

-has or wants a racecar bed cos i saw an underswap comic where be mentioned he always wanted one and *chefs kiss*

-thinks junior jumble is harder than crossword

-uses the word 'japes'

-likes designing puzzles even if he's too lazy to make them (its implied sans is using designs he came up with)


-likes pot noodles

-friends with mettaton

-her date dress


-thinks anime is real

-bffs w papyrus


-likes puns

-MASSIVE stretch but i'd like it if she somehow was still friends with sans. Even if not friends they like. Met once and got along

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