(Tw: unreality, death) 😳😌 i can be a little 'cringe' 'culture'. As a treat

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Cute papyrus x reader fic premises:

-reader is walking around the park when they're tackled and licked half to death by the annoying dog. Papyrus comes in yelling at the dog about stealing something from him and the reader assumes its his. Papyrus does the whole Dorky Love At First Sight thing and goes along with this to talk to the reader. They talk, get along, then go their separate ways. Of course, incidents like this keep happening

-reader and papyrus have been online friends for quite a while. They know they live nearby but have only ever found the time to meet up in person once (where reader realised how bad they'd fallen). Now he's invited them to be his date for a wedding. Reader agrees to the nice event but quickly realises they're in over their head when they turn up on the day and find out the wedding is papyrus' brothers and he's the best man

-reader is a new regular at the surface grillby's. Papyrus suddenly really likes grillbys

-reader works at a clothes shop and one day a handsome skeleton comes in needing help finding clothes that fit him well. Reader is very flustered for the entire process of helping him

-reader is a single parent picking their young child up from school. One day they tug on their sleeve and ask loudly, for the whole playground to hear, 'why do you always stare at frisks uncle?'

-papyrus saves the readers life while they're on a tour of mt ebbot. The image of them in his arms, bridal style after he saved them is quickly spread all over the news thanks to a certain robot. Papyrus loves the attention, and is excited to share it with the 'cool new friend' he saved. The reader on the other hand, doesnt, as they nearly died in a very embarrassing way

-papyrus had never met anyone as determined to join the royal guard as him, nor had he ever expected to (partly because they dont rlly do much anymore). He certainly didnt expect it to be a human who would eventually match his enthusiasm

-reader has had prothetic dreams for as long as they could remember. One night they wake up from what they believe to be a dream prothesising their  upcoming death. A year passes without incident and they are just starting to believe their loved ones telling them the dream of them literally dancing with death didnt mean anything when monsters are released from the underground. A chance meeting with a familiar skeleton at the supermarket leaves them feeling a fool about the past year or so

-reader is an art student at uni and papyrus is a volunteer nude model who doesnt understand that reader feels awkward and would rather he shut up while they're drawing

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