The "First" Date

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Prompt: A nightly conversation between me and yesitsbinjin about binjin's first date. The creative mind behind this one-shot is none other than my dear friend, kian.❤️

Mmm my heart is so full from today that I decided to gift everyone with a one-shot. This is just my gift to all of you for making my journey into adulthood such a special one! I really didn't expect all the well-wishes! And yes, I am not in my 30s HAHA! Surprise surprise to all those who didn't know😂 Moving on...


"I would like to invite-Wait, too formal...Are you free tomorrow? Is that too insincere? Argh, why is this so hard?" Hyun Bin muttered angrily to himself as he deleted yet another string of texts.

With his face flushed, Hyun Bin finally composed a fairly decent text before he pressed send. Any second longer and he would have chickened out.

He did it. He finally summoned the courage to ask her out on a proper date. But what would she say? Was it too sudden? After all, they've only been texting on and off for a few months ever since they started filming The Negotiation together. After filming ended, they became text buddies, exchanging texts every now and then.

Oddly enough, the conversations they had never ended. While some friends would occasionally greet each other goodbye, their conversation never seemed to end. It was as though they were simply having an ongoing conversation for months at end with no goodbyes.

He loved that. He loved that for once in his life, he wasn't running out of topics to chat about especially over text. Over time, he began to enjoy her companionship even though they were only text buddies. He began to realise just how well her bubbliness and easy-going nature was a perfect complement to his awkwardness and shyness.

There was no denying he was attracted to Actress Son or at least he was curious about her. His unrelenting wave of emotions only added to his shyness because he was quick to realise that she was exactly his type.

With that being said, it has been a while since he had a meal with Actress Son. Truthfully, he even missed having packed lunches with her on the set of The Negotiation.

Meals with her were always a breath of fresh air. If they weren't going over their character dynamics together, they were sharing stories with each other. What made their meals better was the fact that Actress Son never failed to smile or laugh at his terrible attempts at making jokes. She was always everybody's happy pill. He admires and respects her for that.


The man scrambled to get to his phone the minute it went off and slowly, a smile crawled up onto his face as he grinned at his phone.

She said yes!

On the other side, Ye Jin's heart skipped a beat when Actor Hyun's name popped up on her screen. They have been texting for a while now and gradually, Ye Jin began to look forward to receiving texts from her co-star.

The man was intriguing and occasionally, they had thought-provoking discussions because of his inquisitiveness. Some might find that boring, but Ye Jin enjoyed such conversations tremendously. She learnt from him all the time and it was nice being able to learn about someone through a simple text. Ye Jin enjoyed Actor Hyun's quiet energy and good sense of humour which always made her day.

But today's text started out differently. There was something unusual about the innocent question although she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

Their conversation first started with a casual "How are you?" from Actor Hyun and after she responded, she was confused when the man disappeared for a good 20 minutes. Finally, when her phone went off again, she had to bite her lip in amusement when she saw the next line of text.

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