Chupa Chups

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Prompt: "I need a binjin fic about hb's obsession with chupa chups"

For shannieiu on twitter! I hear you girl! Not a whole fic but I hope this one-shot works! Enjoy!

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For shannieiu on twitter! I hear you girl! Not a whole fic but I hope this one-shot works! Enjoy!


"I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way. I do believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe we are only fated to do the things that we'd choose anyway." – Kiersten White, The Chaos of Stars

"Interesting..." Hyun Bin thought as he delved deeper into the book.

He has been reading some English novels recently to brush up on his English since he would be helping Ye Jin practise her script for Cross. It was a struggle at times but there were some interesting ideas that he learnt just from reading.

Now back to what he just read, was fate really a choice? He has always thought things like destiny, coincidence and serendipity were always near him, but whether it leads him in a positive or negative direction, only time would tell. But was it a choice as well? A choice to take the fated path?

Now that he thought about it, perhaps fate and choice go hand in hand as well. If he never made the decision to prove himself as sincere to Ye Jin, they probably would have never found their love for each other; fated or not. Maybe it was a conscious effort and decision as well. He often felt that the fact that they met and fell in love was all in the divine intervention of fate. Yet, maybe they played a part in carving their names into each other's hearts as well. 

Interesting...Very interesting...

Beep beep. Click.

Hyun Bin looked up just as Ye Jin crossed the threshold leading to the living room where he currently was. Putting the book down, Hyun Bin smiled up at Ye Jin in greeting as she placed her bag down on the counter.

"You're home." Hyun Bin greeted, his eyes landing softly on his love.

Walking over to Ye Jin, Hyun Bin had her wrapped in his arms instantly. Ye Jin returned the hug, feeling some of her energy come back just from the hug alone.

"It's been a long day." Ye Jin smiled tiredly as she massaged the back of her neck lightly.

"Let me, Eon Jin." Hyun Bin automatically reached over to massage her tight neck and shoulders.

"That feels good." Ye Jin mewed softly as Hyun Bin worked the knots along her shoulders.

"How was the CF filming today?"

"It was good. We wrapped up on time. I must be tired from reading the scripts for the past few days."

Hyun Bin grimaced at the mention of the scripts. He was proud of Ye Jin for getting so many scripts and offers but he was concerned about her health. After Cross filming got postponed, Ye Jin has occasionally been pulling some all-nighters to get through the mountain of scripts given to her. There was no doubt that she was tired because of that.

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