Stella & The Monthly Visitor

Start from the beginning

Julius glanced at me as I walked past him and toward the front door. "Where are you going?" He asks as I place my hand on the doorknob. "Out." That is all I say before leaving and shutting the door behind me.

As I drove out toward my first destination, I could feel a dull pain in my stomach. I groan, knowing exactly what was coming. I open the storage compartment of my car to see if I had any tampons. Thankfully I do and I arrive at my first destination, the dry cleaners.

I grab my purse and head inside to pick up my belongings. "Would you happen to have a bathroom?" I ask the middle-aged woman. She nods and points behind me to the door labeled women's restroom. I nod politely before heading in the direction of the bathroom, clutching my purse as I started to feel the potential disaster waiting to happen.

I rush into a stall and pull the tampon out of my purse before pulling down my pants and inserting it in. Thankfully I made it on time and there was no damage done to my undergarments.

I wash my hands and leave the bathroom, coming back to face the woman behind the counter. "I'm here to pick up my dry cleaning, under the name Harris."

She types on her computer before going into the back and bringing out some of my clothes. I thank her as I take it and head back to the car. I pop ibuprofen and drink some water before continuing on my way.

The pain in my stomach was starting to intensify as I drove around the city. Seemingly only getting worse with every stop. It was only when I arrived at the grocery store that my body decided it couldn't handle anymore.

I strolled through the grocery store, putting items in my cart despite the horrific battle within my uterus. The pain in my lower back started to intensity as the pain traveled to my legs causing them to numb. I gripped the handlebar of the cart as I tried to ignore the pain, but ultimately I lost.

"Here we go again." I mumble as my vision went black and I fade out of consciousness.

When I woke up there was a crowd around me, looking down at me with sympathy. "Do we call the paramedics?" One person asked.

"I think she's waking up, someone help her up." Another said as my eyes flutter open. I felt my body being lifted and I was brought to a chair before sitting down. "Ma'am, are you okay?" A young woman in the grocery store uniform asks. I place my hand on my head where I hit it when I fell.

"I'm alright, I think I'm just going to go home." I say as I try to get up, but fail as I lose my balance and take a seat again.

"Maybe we should call the ambulance." An older woman suggests. I shake my head and wince at the pain. "No that's fine really, I just need to get home."

"Is there anyone we can call for you?" The grocery store clerk asks. Another cramp attacks my uterus and I wince, causing the helpful bystanders to widen their eyes.

"My fiancé, Julius." I mumble out, handing the girl my phone. I didn't have the energy to speak to him, my head still felt weak and the pain was still rushing through my body. She nods as she takes my phone and calls Julius's number in my contact list.

I wanted to call Sheila, but she didn't have a car so that was out of the question. My parents would question why I'm calling them and send Julius anyway. So he was the only person who could come get me. I knew if I drove one bad cramp might throw me off the road. And I could hardly walk at the moment, let alone drive.

Julius got here sooner than I anticipated and rushed into the grocery store. His eyes meet mine as I was laying down tiredly in a chair by one of the registers. He rushes over to me, keys in hand. "Stella are you okay?" He asks.

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