(Y/n) covered her nose with her sleeve, trying to ignore the overripe smell.

"That blade you hold...I didn't even see you raise it, but yet you managed to slice open my fingers." She waves her missing fingers in front of her face, as they slowly grow back.

"Tch..." (y/n) clicks her tongue, gripping her blade tighter.

I knew she would be able to heal herself but how is she able to heal her wound so quickly! I cut her with my blade! My katana was built so curses wouldn't be able to heal their wounds if sliced by the blade.

(Y/n) grips the handle of the blade and strikes the woman again, this time with Seiichi coming from behind.

The lady stood there smiling down at the floor, waiting for the two to be within inches from her own body. She vanishes again, than reappeared behind Itadori who quickly punched her in the side.

"I'll have to say, young man. You're quite fast to react."  She holds her stomach where he hit, but it didn't do anything to her frame.

She flicked his forehead sending him flying through the bamboo wall into the next room. A strong waft of that same smell became extra intense, the second Itadori was flicked.

What does that smell mean?

"Now, young maiden. Will you answer my question?" (Y/n) watched Itadori through the hole in the wall. He wasn't moving at all.

He's been knocked out! Shit!

(Y/n) glares at the woman and resumed a fighting stance. Seiichis' blue flames glowed intently as he kept low to the ground, waiting for the perfect moment to leap.

Control your breathing (y/n). Just distract her until Megumi and Nobara get here.

She looks back at Itadori who still hadn't moved.

Or until Itadori comes back to his senses. Maybe even then, Sukuna coul- NO! I'll do this myself!

(Y/n) gently lays the tip of her sword on the floor, barley grazing the single strands of the mat. Her eyes close as she opens her soul to the surroundings around her. She straightens her back and inhales a slow breath.

"What's this young maiden?" The woman asks, watching her.

(Y/n) slowly opens her eyes, and two dots, similar to Seiichis, appear on her forehead.

"Domain expansion, Inaris snow shrine" Seiichi curls himself around (Y/n)s legs and prepares himself to fight.

"An Inari domain? How are you able to use it while in my own?" The women looks around the interior of her own domain, and witnesses it transform and shift slowly into a different setting.

Large red Inari Tori gates surround the small domain covered in pure white snow. Cherry blossom branches sat still from the frozen flakes covering it.

"It's...adorable." The woman's pale pink lips slightly curl into a smug smile.

(Y/n) grips her katana again and full heartily keeps her eyes pressed upon the woman's.

"I fight...or I will die." (Y/n) lunges at the curse with incredible speed, almost matching it to Seiichis movements.

The curse blocks her attack with her nails, pushing (y/n) back. Seiichi from behind, slashes out at her, ripping her face.

The woman tumbled back, holding onto the cut. She grunts, breathing heavily at the thought of a lowly Kitsune touching her.

"A Kitsune with only two tails shan't be that powerful!" She yells, healing herself. Her voice started to quiver as an unknown power saturates the domain.
"You two are not what you seem! Who are you!" She yells, hurling a great wind to push them back.

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