
Emma was still sitting on her navy blue couch only Henry was sitting on the cushy, newly carpeted floor in front of her watching The Simpsons, a show his other mother would kill her if she knew she let him watch. The sheriff was trying to come up with something semi-healthy for dinner, "Hey kid, what do you want for dinner and don't say pizza or Granny's, Regina would kill me not just for the shows I let you watch but for the junk I let you eat."

The chestnut boy kept staring at the tv screen and shrugged his shoulders, "I dunno, why don't we go to grandma and grandpa's and have dinner with them?"

"Well we can't exactly invite ourselves but I'll stealthily ask if that's what you really want. I thought you didn't want to go over there because of it being crowded?" His birth mother reminded him with a raised brow.

Finally turning his head he looked straight into her eyes and clarified, "No, I said I didn't want to spend the weekend there, not visit." He turned around to become immersed in the show again.

A grin grew on Emma's face, laughing she picked up her iPhone and called her parents. "Hi mom, what are you guys doing for dinner tonight?" There was a pause as Snow asked Charming what he wanted to do for dinner. "Chinese takeout? Sounds good! Do you want some company? Of course I'm bringing Henry! What kinda question is that?! Okay I'll see you in 30 minutes and we'll order when we get there. Okay.....by mom."


Regina had decided to take a long hot shower to wash the whole day away instead of simply running a wet washcloth over her face. By that time her stomach had started rumbling alerting her that she hadn't eaten since breakfast, and that was only whole wheat toast with margarine and her daily allowance of coffee. After drying her tanned skin she slipped on her favorite dark purple lace thong, baggy heather grey Storybrooke sweatshirt and matching sweatpants then very unregina-like she plopped down in the middle of the king sized bed. Retrieving the room service menu she decided on ordering a Santa Fe grilled chicken salad with raspberry tea for dinner. Following hanging up with the kitchen she called Emma. It rang once, then twice, by the fifth ring her voicemail came on, "Oh for the love of.....Emma! Call me back on my cell, I just want to speak with Henry. Goodbye." Short and to the point.


Emma, Snow, Charming and Henry were all seated around the table with Neal in his high chair playing with plain buttered noodles. Snow and Charming were eating off of plates whereas Emma and her son were eating from the takeout boxes, Snow eyed them disapprovingly, "Why don't you just get a plate?" She glanced at the offending boxes in the hands of her daughter and grandson.

"It just tastes better this way!" The boy explained.

Humphing she shook her head looking at Charming for help in which she only got a smirk from. Emma's face echoed her father's, a crooked smirk appeared on her visage as she used her chopsticks to retrieve more Kung Pao Chicken.

"Have you heard from Regina, did she get to the convention okay?" Her father asked, attempting to change the direction of the conversation.

She gasped, almost choking on her food, "Crap! I left my phone in the car!" Leaping up she scrambled out of the apartment running down the stairs and outside to get her cell. Calmly walking back in she opened her phone seeing that she had a missed call from the mayor she listened to the voicemail. Holding her head in her right hand she saved the message and immediately called back.

The Double Life Of Regina MillsWhere stories live. Discover now