Chapter 1

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Once again Emma had been entrusted with Henry's care for the next two to three days. Regina had politely requested that she took him while she went out of town for mayoral reasons. It had become a frequent occurrence over the last few months. The town barrier had been down for quite some time and the memory consequences were no longer an issue due to Regina and Rumple concocting a spell that remedied that side effect of crossing the town line.

Emma had become increasingly curious as to what the former Queen was doing, going to all of these "meetings" or conventions but had never plucked up the courage to ask. Currently the blonde sheriff was plopped down in front of her 55" plasma with a random show playing while she was wracking her brain trying to come up with an answer to the mayor's whereabouts. Henry was in his room playing video games in her semi new house she had bought hoping that Hook would move in, however he ultimately decided to remain on the Jolly Roger claiming that he loved the water too much to become a "landlubber".

Her parents, Mary Margaret and David better known as Snow White and Prince Charming, had invited Henry to stay with them for a day but Henry claimed that it was too crowded with baby Neal and his grandparents and Emma agreed. Plus she wanted to spend more time with him. She in no way minded taking care of the boy she was just intrigued why it was happening more and more often.


With Storybrooke in her rear view mirror, Regina felt like a completely different person. Over the past few months she had taken up a new "hobby", one in which she not only felt like she couldn't do in her own town but one she desperately felt like she needed and wouldn't reap the benefits from there, satisfaction and pleasure.

The brunette was headed to New York, paid for by her employer. Lodging, food, gas, the whole trip was compensated for every time. She thought it was a hell of a deal, all she had to do was give her time.... and of course her body but that was nothing she wasn't used to after being married to King Leopold. She figured why not make some extra income from it.

Regina arrived at the hotel that her employer had generously provided, she tossed the keys to her black Mercedes Benz at the valet telling him that there would be something extra in it for him if he took great care of it in the meantime. Grabbing her luggage for the weekend she rolled it behind her through the lobby and checked in at the freestanding front desk. The older woman behind the desk had silver cat wing glasses that sat upon her puggish nose, her bright blue eyes peering out from behind them. "Checking in?" She friendly chirped with an illuminating smile on her ruddy face.

"Yes please." Is all the town major replied with.

"I see here that everything is already taken care of, room service and room payment is paid for until Monday." The salt and pepper haired woman informed, finding the room key she put it in a small envelope and handed it over to Regina. "Well, if you need anything just call the front desk and we'll be more than happy to help you. Thank you so much for staying with us!"

"Thank you." Was the short answer directed at her.


After successfully opening her hotel room door, the brunette glided in locking the door behind her. She unpacked her clothes putting them into the dresser drawers then proceeded to unpack her toiletries placing them on the bathroom sink.

Glancing at her sleek  Apple Watch she saw it was almost 5pm. She was wondering if Henry was being fed the usual garbage of pizza or Granny's or if Emma actually made an effort to cook for the young teen. She decided to get comfortable, wash her face to remove the makeup and dirt from the day then call Emma to talk to her son. Unbeknownst to the town Regina actually preferred to walk around at home in sweats and a sweatshirt, only Henry knew and as he grew up she made him swear secrecy that he wouldn't tell a soul.

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