Chapter 4: What color?

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When we came out everyone was waiting for us outside. It was still drizzling, but the wind was staring to pick up. "I think we're going to head back," Nova looked at everyone. 

"Okay?" she asked me. I nodded. Aria and Nova lived a few minutes away from me,Cam, and Leah. We decided to walk off all the food we ate. 

Cam and Leah were up ahead talking and flirting. Chandler was just a few steps behind them and I was all the way in the back. He turned his head and looked at me. He started to slow down, then he caught up with me. 

"Hey" he put his hands in his leather jacket. He was looking at the floor in front of him as we walked. 

"Hey" I said, trying not to let my teeth chatter because of how cold I was. 

"Calliope, right?" He looked down at me. It's almost funny how short I am. The height difference between us was by a lot. I felt like an ant when he looked down at me. 

"Yeah" I let out a sigh, then I corrected myself. 

"No actually, sorry. It's just Callie" I blinked with every word. I don't know why I said yeah. I always correct everyone once they call me Calliope. It seemed satisfying when he said it, it calmed me. He nodded then smiled at me. His smile made me feel nervous so I quickly looked down at my shoe laces. 

"So Callie, Not Calliope. Are you a freshman?" he kept smiling. His smile went ear to ear. He had a slight dimple on his right cheek. 


I glanced down at my phone, it was Kian.

     Kian: I miss you already! Are you all unpacked?  

I skimmed through the text and ignored it. I saw Chandler's reflection on my phone. He saw the text from Kian. I pretended not to notice and I shoved my phone into my back pocket. 

"Sorry, I um- I am a freshman, are you?" I glanced up at him. He had fluffy light brown hair that fell on his eyes. His hair wasn't wavy like Leah's, it just sort of fell into place. 

"Yeah" he responded, noticing that I was shivering. He started to take off his leather jacket. He handed it to me. 

"Oh you don't have to do that" I talked to the hand he was holding the jacket in. His hand was very veiny and muscular. He had a black ring on his ring finger and a silver one on his thumb. 

"I insist, take it. I'm honestly not cold. I love the rain" he looked up at the sky. He was trying to catch rain in his mouth. I laughed,"Thanks" I said, putting his jacket over my shoulders. 

"So you live in the same building as us?" I asked as I watched my Chuck Taylor's get dirtier than what they already were.  

"Umm no, I live on the west side of campus." he was distracted. He kept looking at Cam and Leah who were still ahead of us, they were walking a little slower now. 

"Isn't that the single dorms?" I asked, sounding surprised. The single dorms are more expensive than sharing a dorm. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. I get to live on my own. I don't have to worry about a messy roommate or a loud one" he explained. 

I would've loved having a single dorm. I could just be by myself, I wouldn't have to worry about sharing a room with a complete stranger. "Leah didn't want  a dorm to herself?". 

"Oh no, Leah wants the whole experience she's crazy like that. She wants to live on the edge" he sounded distracted again. He was now staring at Leah and Cameron. 

"He's a good guy" I nodded my head towards Cameron and Leah. 

"Oh, pfft. I wasn't even looking at them" He said jokingly looking away.  

"Oh, so you were looking at the back of his head and... fantasizing  about him?" I raised my eyebrow in a joking matter. He laughed. 

"Of course, why else would I be looking at him?" he was still laughing, recovering from my joke. I was laughing along with him. 

"You're a funny one Ms.Calliope" He grinned.

"Likewise Mr. Chandler" I giggled at the floor 

"Oh so she told you my name, huh?" 

"Yes indeed. She loves to talk" 

"Dang it, I was trying to stay mysterious" he joked. I smiled at his joke. 

"You know I thought you guys were dating" I blurted out. He looked at me shocked. "Gross how could you not tell we're siblings, twins for that matter." He talked with his hands. 

"I saw the resemblance right when she mentioned it," I joked.  He looked down at his feet again, he was watching himself walk. 

"She loves to talk" He chuckled. "You're welcome by the way" he let out a sigh. I raised an eyebrow. "Your whole car situation" he reminded me. 

"That was you?!" I glanced at him. "Yes indeed" he said proudly. 

"Thanks" I smiled as he he looked down and made eye contact with me. My stomach fluttered, there was something about his smile that made me feel safe. The wind blew his hair out of his face and I caught a glimpse of his eyes. There was a pause. 

"Green" I said calmly. 

"What?" he looked at me confused. "Your eyes, their green" 

I smiled.  

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