Andres nudges my shoulder and looks at me

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Andres nudges my shoulder and looks at me. His eyes were glazed over in unshed tears and a pitiful look grazed his face. "She death. She looks as if she's given up. She looks empty, Dario."

"I know," I turn my attention back to her. Her eyes are still on us as Sergei grabs her waist and she flinches slightly. It wouldn't have been noticeable had you not been truly looking at her.

Sergei notices them and excuses himself from the group of men he was talking to. Kingston follows suit, her hands clasped together behind her back as if she's trying to control herself from reaching out. A sparkle of excitement and love had seeped into her eyes as she looked at Dario.

"Gentlemen!" Sergei beams. "I would like to introduce my lovely fiancé, Kathalina Slavic. Kath this is Dario DaVino and Andres Cruz. I told you about them remember." The way he smiles at her is almost feral. He looks at her like she is his prey, his punching bag, his toy, and Dario supposed to a man like Sergei; Kingston is just that, and that I'm itself makes his blood boil. Kingston has shown her monster numerous times, but Dario is yet to show it except in the bedroom of course. Tonight just may be the night.

(So I accidentally started writing third person POV so I'm just going to go with it for the rest of this chapter and now that I think about it third person POV is probably better for this scene)

"A pleasure, Kathalina." Andres purrs, extending a hand for her to shake. She shakily raises her hand, taking his hand and giving it a shake. The mere act of lifting her hand looks as if it pains her immensely. Sergei sends a deadly glare in Kingston's direction, but she doesn't cower away like she normally does. The power and confidence are slowly seeping back into her in the presence of her brother and the man who loves her.

"The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Cruz." She says in a smooth Russian accent. " And Mr. DaVino." She extends her hand and he takes it. Her grip is weak, but the small amount of touch sets their souls on fire. They suppress their shudders.

"Likewise, soon to be Mrs. Ivanov." The venom in his tone doesn't go unnoticed by her. She inwardly cringes at the name. This would be her title in a month. Mrs. Ivanov. It was awful, but it must be done for her and Anatoly to ensure full control over the Bratva. The soldiers were loyal to Anatoly they absolutely hated Sergei with a passion, but they were more so loyal to the Bratva and the code. Until Anatoly was sitting on that throne they would not go against all of what they believed in. Anatoly would be the Don and she would be his second in command, they had a blood oath which is unbreakable so it made the most sense for her to be his underboss. It insured that the Russians would never again be a problem for the Italians nor the Americans because Anatoly and Kingston would raise their kids as best friends who would eventually perform the blood oath ritual.

"Well enjoy the party we have more guests to greet," Sergei says, oblivious to the tension between the two.

"Sweetheart may I use the bathroom before we greet more guests. I have to freshen up my makeup." Kingston asks, an innocent look takes over her face as she bats her eyelashes. The look was foreign on her face and it made Andres and Dario cringe. They also didn't notice the emphasis she put on the word makeup.

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