Since Always

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While Ace moved his stuff into the apartment over the next week you worked downstairs in the café, opening day was fast approaching and from the sounds of it you were going to be busy. You had your checklist in hand while you went through the fridge and freezer making sure everything was accounted for and that you would have enough or if you needed to contact whoever was needed to purchase more. While you checked things off of your list arms snaked around you waist and a head plopped down on your shoulder, turning your head to see Ace you placed a kiss on his cheek before continuing with your inventory count.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

"About as ready as I can be, I'm just worried about running out of something the first day, that would be a nightmare."

"Well, if you keep all your vendors on call, I can always go get more of whatever you need."

"Aww well aren't you just sweet, what would I ever do without you here?" you said laughing at him.

With him latched onto you, you made your way over to the counter to put your things down. He finally let go and stood next to you rubbing your back, when the bell out front rang causing both of you to head out wondering who could be here. Killer stood there looking around before you attacked him wrapping your arms around him almost knocking him off balance.

"You came! I was worried you were going to be too busy." You beamed at the blond who was smiling at you.

"I said I would be here so of course I came. Now what was it that you wanted my help with."

"Well, you see I needed a couple of taste testers for my menu I am just waiting on the other person to show up. I could have asked Luffy but he will eat anything and I was afraid all my friends wouldn't give me an honest opinion, but I know you'll be honest with me and so will this other person."

As the three of you moved over to a table to talk more the bell chimed again signifying that the other person had arrived. The two boys stood in shock though when they saw who had walked in; she walked over and took her seat giving you nothing more than a nod while you smiled at her. Ace followed you back to the kitchen to help start the dishes leaving the other two to sit awkwardly at the table in front. As you completed each dish you took them out to your guests, you had provided them with a score sheet so you could figure out exactly what would need to be worked on before you opened in just a few days.

It went back and forth like that you would cook the dish then take it out to them to try, once they were done with the dish they would use the score card for that dish and Ace would take care of the dishes while you started on the next dish. By the time you were on desserts Killer was ready to tap out, your other guest though was ready for her next dish and patiently waited for you to bring it out. Killer sat watching her worried that she might unfairly judge your food but it seemed as if he had nothing to worry about when Ace and you joined the two of them at the table again after finishing cleaning up the dishes.

"So, what was the overall thought of it before we go through each dish individually."

"Surprisingly, you are a rather good cook, your desserts are to die for though. They not only look beautiful but the amount of care and love you put into each dish is impressive." Bonney responded to your question.

"I was worried when I saw her walk through that door that she wouldn't be a fair judge of your food, but I can see I was wrong." Killer commented.

"No, you are right I came with every intention of hating all of her dishes mostly because I really can't stand her, but I can't deny that she has talent and that her food is delicious. That comes from someone who tried to find anything and everything wrong with each dish." She glared at you.

Since Always (Ace x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now