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You didn't move to get out of bed when the next morning came, you had messages on your phone that you knew you should check but you didn't have the energy nor the will. Today would be a struggle with your anxiety and it was already winning so you covered yourself back up and laid there staring out the window. Normally on a rainy day like today you would be more upbeat usually the rain was always calming to you and it was days like today that you normally looked forward to. Your mother came up to check on you worried that you hadn't come downstairs yet but when you refused to talk, she sat and stroked your head for a while before ultimately having to go help your father with the animals on the farm.

The annoying constant ringing on your phone from texts and calls got to be to much so eventually you turned it off. That only worked for so long though it wasn't long before those people calling and texting made their way to your house first was Robin who was ecstatic you had returned but got worried when you didn't answer her texts. She had the basic story from Luffy and Ace with what had happened and came over to bring you her favorite book and tea that always helped to cheer her up. When you didn't say much though she told you to call or text when you felt better but she understood your need to just cocoon yourself away today. You told yourself you would make it up to her by baking cupcakes, to make up for your mood when you were feeling more you.

The next visit came from Killer when you didn't show up at the shop this morning like he figured you would he got worried then he got a call from your mother and knew it was time to stop over and figure out what was happening. You laid there wrapped up in your blanket looking like a damn burrito and he had to chuckle at the sight but when you didn't move at the noise his concern grew.

"Hey, you want to tell me what's going on with you little sis? You've got me worried about you." He sat down on an empty spot close to your head so he could see your face.

You didn't say anything to him just turned on your phone and handed it to him knowing he would figure it out soon enough. He took the phone from the bed after you slid it over to him and started to look through stuff when he finally had the idea to check your texts to see the message with Kid. A sigh left him, and he reached under the blanket to rub your head hoping to calm the anxiety he now knew you were struggling with.

"He really is an idiot, isn't he? I'm sorry y/n I can't even say what he was working on because I wasn't there, and he never came back to the apartment last night. I'll kick his ass if you want though." For a split second he saw a smile and knew you would eventually be fine it was just going to be one of those days. "I'll chill here with you if you want me to chances are if I saw Kid today, I'd probably kill him for causing you to be like this anyway."

"No, it is okay I'll survive besides I'm sure you have work to do at the shop anyway. I am just upset that I don't seem as important as I used to be to him." When tears started to form Killer immediately started to wipe them away before they could streak down your face.

"You know I've got to be honest with you y/n and you won't like to hear this, but I think you should end things with Kid before you end up with your heart broke. I care about you and I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you in the end if you do not walk away from him now." He watched your expressions carefully after having said that.

"It isn't that simple Killer, I love him and I'm not sure I can walk away just because of something so small like this. You talk like you know something that I don't though...I take it you can't tell me due to your strange loyalty to Kid huh?"

"Something like that but I can't just sit here and watch you struggling with your anxiety like this it isn't fair." A call came in for Killer to which he groaned upon seeing who was calling. "I'll be there when I get there, I have other important matters to take care of. Y/n comes first Kid maybe if you bothered to follow that same thought process she wouldn't be like she is now. What do you mean it isn't your fault you idiot she had something important to tell you last night and you just fucking brushed her off? You know what I'll be there soon, and we can discuss how much damage you are doing you dumbass." He looked at you sadly before explaining he was heading out which you only nodded at then thanked him for trying to protect you from whatever was going on.

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