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The whole crew of girls showed up early dragging you out of bed to head out on the town with them, Nami had a whole list of places she wanted to go shopping at and you had a feeling it would take most of the day to get through all them, as much as you love Nami she can go overboard when it comes to shopping but somehow she always came out of her shopping trips spending next to nothing despite how much she had. Vivi and Rebecca both wanted to buy new outfits for the concert coming up and they vowed to make sure you had a new outfit for then too.

You had made Robin aware of your plan to confess to Ace via song that night and she was excited for you, she had an idea for an outfit but wouldn't tell you what she was thinking. They all rushed you to get ready so they could hurry up and head out shopping.

After reaching the mall they dragged you around with them tossing clothes at you to try on and even though Robin was the only one who knew of your plan they all wanted in on the chance to dress you up. Whenever they would go shopping like this in high school you would always find an excuse to skip, so when you willing agreed to come this time they planned to use the chance to play dress up with you. Normally you probably would have been annoyed but you were in a great mood today.

"How much skin are you willing to show?" Nami asked grinning.

"No you are not allowed to find something with tons of skin showing Nami!! Robin," you whined "help me please don't let her dress me.

Robin laughed as Nami shoved a bunch of revealing clothes at you and shoved you into the dressing room. "I'm not wearing these Nami!"

"Fine, I get it we will find you something less showy." She pouted when you refused to let her dress you in something so revealing.

Nami walked away with a bunch of bags and a huge smile on her face, the girls dragged you off to the next shop. Koala started to grab clothes for you to try on with a huge smile on her face already having her outfit she had decided to make it her mission to find you something to wear.

"So how do you feel about a dress? I bet Ace would love to see you in one." She winked at you.

"No dresses Koala! As much as I am sure people would enjoy seeing me in one I would prefer to be in some form of pants."

"At least work with us here y/n." Vivi begged and you hung your head in defeat agreeing to try on whatever they wanted.

You all sat around a table eating lunch, you laid your head down on the table exhausted from how much they made you try on. "We still haven't anything for me to wear." You complained.

"Well we aren't done yet, did you think we were done already?"

"Nami I can't keep walking my legs are killing me. Go on without me I'll never make it just leave me here to die." You said dramatically causing the girls to roll their eyes at you.

"You all go ahead I will make sure we join you in a bit." Robin said encouraging them to go back to their shopping.

While Robin and you sat there at the table you nibbled on her left-over fries that she slide over in front of you. You glanced at her feeling defeated, but she just smiled at you. The two of you sat there in silence when she finally pulled up a bag up from beside her and slid it over to you.

"What is this?" you eyed her suspiciously.

"Just open it. I think it is exactly what you are wanting."


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