Part Fourteen - Regret

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The early morning rays of light peeked over the trees. The carnage of last night cast a heavy gloom over everything, muffling what little sound there was. Even the wildlife seemed to sense death, as the birds sat silently in the trees. Liy and Taco were stationed up in a nearby tree. Taco blinked awake to see Liy sitting straight up, just as awake as when Taco dozed off.

"Have you been awake all night?" Taco asked. Liy nodded.

"You didn't hear it?" She asked. Taco rubbed her eyes.

"Hear what?" She asked.

"The screaming. Three more are gone," Liy said as if she were relaying the weather forecast. Taco sat straight up.

"Holy—Liy! Why didn't you wake me up?" Taco scolded. Liy gave her an unamused look.

"You really wanna try and kick her ass?" Liy asked. Taco simply glared at Liy, but sighed in defeat.

"If she could take on three people, what do you think we can do?" Taco asked. "She'll tear us to shreds!"

"Not if we weaken her first," Liy said, looking back to the hotel. "If we can get a couple of numbskulls to fight her, they can tear her up enough so that we can handle the rest if they pass,"

"You're not seriously considering sacrificing people for this, are you?" Taco groaned.

"Do you want more people to die?" Liy glared at Taco. "Listen, this is killing for the greater good. If you can't stomach it, feel free to go hide in your room," Taco huffed.

"...This better work, or else I'm haunting your ass," Taco muttered. Liy grinned and snorted.

"Not if I die first. Besides, Stapy's already got the privilege of haunting me when he dies, so there,"

"Well, who are you gonna send out after her?" Taco asked.

"Oh, don't worry, I got my two," Liy assured. "But I will need you to do something while I get them,"


Book sat on the floor of her apartment, stroking IC's hair and mumbling to herself. Early rays of light crept through the drawn curtains, casting tiny strings of light against the wall. IC held her breath, trying to ignore the smell of death, filth, and bile on Book's clothes.

"I'll keep you safe, darling, don't worry," Book mumbled in a sing-song voice. "As long as you stay with me, Pencil can't hurt you,"

"I'd rather be with Pencil right now," IC growled, trying to wriggle away. Book's grip only tightened, and she shook her head.

"I know you don't mean that darling," Book said. "You want to be by me, I know you. I know you well," Book chuckled to herself and resumed her mumbling. IC held back the urge to vomit. The images of last night kept crawling back into her mind, burrowing into her and making her sick. She wanted the old Book back, the one who would sit with her on the roof of Freesmart's clubhouse, the one who would hold her not to control her, but to comfort her. Tears pricked her eyes as the sticky residue of who-knows-what rubbed against her.

A sudden clank of pans rattled outside in the hall. Book's calm demeanor dropped as she snapped to look out the door. A shadow raced past, and another clatter of pans filled the air, making Book wince.

"You..." Book growled. She stood, holding IC tight in her grasp. "Stay with me, this shouldn't take too long," Book grumbled. She stomped out the door and followed the racket as it rattled down the stairs, the noise echoing off the walls. IC whimpered, burying her face in Book's hand.

Sleepless - A BFB GrimdarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora