Cheryl begins putting a grand, luxurious red ruby, and diamond necklace. I notice her acrylics are red rather than the basic white or nude shade for a wedding. I then take a moment to analyse everything, the bridesmaids dresses are red, the flowers are white and red roses, her nails and necklace are red.

"Cheryl?" She turns to look at me, "why is everything red?" I inquire. She gives me an excited grin, "red is Cole's favourite colour, and I was wearing red when we met. It means a lot to us" she begins to explain. I can't help but feel my heart leap as I take note of how happy and excited she is to be with Cole for the rest of her life, the way she knows that she wants to be with him and no one else.

I hear a faint knock on the door before it slowly opens, Anna peeks her head through and then proceeds to walk in. She compliments Cheryl and I before turning to me, "you're next" she jokes with a wink. I giggle at her comment and smile as I begin to think of what life with Dominic would be like. I snap out of my thoughts within seconds, 'we aren't ready', I think to myself.

It begins to feel a bit claustrophobic in the room so I take a step outside and lean against the wall, taking a deep breath in of fresh air. The air then merges with the scent of a cologne I have grown to love. I feel my lips curl up as I lazily turn my head to my side. Sure enough, Dominic is standing next to me with a smirk plastered on his face. He's wearing a dark blue fitted suit which flexes all his muscles, in the front top pocket of the blazer is a red handkerchief.

"You look absolutely irresistible" Dominic whispers in my ear rhythmically as he kisses me softly, "you don't look too bad yourself" I wink at him. He chuckles before placing his hands on my waist. "So you know how there's always those stories about the bridesmaid hooking up with one of the best men?" He questions me. A cheeky smile forms across my face as I understand exactly what he's hinting at. Without saying anything, I grab hold of his hand and pull him into the closest bathroom, locking the door behind me.

By the time we're done, Dominic and I are both out of breath. I begin to pull my red dress' strap over my shoulder as I hear knocking on the door, "Hope? It's starting. Do you know where Dominic is?" Cheryl's sister asks impatiently. "Ummm, I think he's outside" I suggest as Dominic begins to laugh, I quickly place my hand over his mouth, forcing him to shut up. "Okay, hurry" I hear in return as the heels clinking against the group eventually fade. I release my hand and stare at Dominic's amused face, "hurry the fuck up" I order with a smile on my face as I begin to creep out of the door, closing it behind me.

Start the music here.

I stand by the entrance as I watch Dominic run up next to me, "sorry" he whispers. I nod in return as I loop my hands in his arms and we walk down the aisle as Cheryl's bridesmaid and Cole's best man. Once we reach the end, Dominic whispers something in my ear, "I love you" he whispers before pulling away and walking behind Cole.

The music changes to 'here comes the bride' as Cheryl stands at the end of the aisle with her father by her side. I take in Cole's face as he stares at his future wife's face in awe, his usually hardened eyes begin to tear up as he wipes his face with his hand and blinks twice. He examines every step that Cheryl takes down the aisle, that's when I notice a single tear fall down his cheek. He quickly wipes it away with the tips of his fingers and continues to watch Cheryl closely. My gaze leaves Cole and instead lands behind him. Dominic is already staring at me with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Do you, Cole, promise to be Cheryl's friend; to comfort her and to listen to her? To celebrate her successes and support her struggles? To love her, respect her and tenderly care for her, through all the days of your life?"

"I do" Cole replies without hesitation.

"And do you, Cheryl, promise to be Cole's friend; to comfort him and to listen to him? To celebrate his successes and support his struggles? To love him, respect him and tenderly care for him, through all the days of your life?"

"I do" Cheryl speaks confidently.

"You may kiss the bride" the pope announces with excitement.

I can see Cheryl and Cole move and kiss from my peripheral vision, but my eyes remain on Dominic, just as his remain on me.

I hear a loud whistle which snaps me out of my gaze with Dominic and I watch as Cheryl and Cole walk hand-in-hand down the aisle and into the white Porsche parked outside. Everyone begins to head out following them as we get into our own cars and drive to the location of the afterparty. I decide to go with Dominic.

Once we get there, it's gorgeous. Cheryl and Cole picked an enormous venue which compliments both of their individual personalities perfectly. We all stand in a circle as we watch Cheryl and Cole's first dance as a married couple to 'us' by James Bay. Cheryl decided to throw her bouquet of flowers, all the girls crowd around behind her while I stand next to Dominic and watch. Cheryl throws the bouquet, it misses the large crowd behind her and aims straight at my face, I shrink back but it never hits me. When I open my eyes, I see Dominic's arm in front of me as he catches the bouquet of flowers. He instantly realises what he's holding and throws it at me, I catch it. He gives me a sheepish smile as I laugh at him.

A couple hours and few drinks later it's time to sign the contract and cut the cake.

We all crowd around the circular table that carries the large white cake. Placed in front of the cake is a paper, it's the marriage contract, and a pen. Cheryl leans over the table and signs it without hesitation, as Cole does the same directly after her. They give each other a warm smile before lifting up the knife together.

Just as they place the knife over the cake, the doors burst open and gunshots instantly fill the beautiful venue. I turn to look at Dominic as an instinct, once I realise he's okay he grabs my arm and knocks over a table, pulling me behind it as he lifts his gun from his waistband and aims. He begins to shoot multiple bullets every second as I gaze around the room to see if anyone I know is hurt.

I notice someone laying on the floor, covered in blood and crying, as my eyes widen and begin to water.

Losing LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora