Monkey Feast

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The moment Frieza steps out of his ship, scanning and taking in the place he despise, his focus was on the King Of Syians.And oh how he enjoyed seeing the fear in his face as he cowards beneath his feet and succumb to his will.

"What has bring you here so early my Lord Frieza?" The king chose his words, being ever so careful "As of what I know y-you should come next month for-."

As soon as Frieza raised his hand the King shuts up along with staying still as his soilders behind him.

"I know of that.But it seems I must inform you on new information hm?" He turns to which made Kuriza and you walk down, him holding your hand only, approach him and the now suprised and confuse siyaian King, then Freiza place his hands on your head along with his son Kuriza, continuing on with a smirk "These are my kids.You know a little about Kuriza but the girl?We have gotten her today not so long ago.Say, how about you say your name to them?He won't bite."

Nodding you approach the guy, seeing he looks fearful for some reason, so you reach out an pat his hand gently "Don't be scared!My name is (Y/N)!What is your name mister?"

He was suprise to see you holding his hand like this, but he did not show it as he nods "What a nice name." Then turns to Frieza who watch the two "If you so wanted my Lord, we could perpare a splendid feast to celebrate this special moment."

"A feast dose sound nice dose it not Kuriza?" Frieza hums, seeing how his son would react.

Kuriza nods, practically drooling for the food "Yes father!It really dose!"

"I never had a feast before.." instead of looking up at Freiza you look up at the King, tilting your head in confusion "...what is a feast anyway?"

The king, getting down to your level, then told you "It is when we perpare a massive batch of various foods ranging from meats to delicious desserts, it will be enough to feed more then one person."

Your (E/C) eyes widen as they begin to sparkle like stars would "Even (F/Food) and (F/Dessert)!!"

He nods, seeming to crack a smile as well "Yes."

Kuriza then came over, feeling his big brother mode kick on, and snatched you away from the King.It soon results in you being held closed to him by his tail as he leans his head on your shoulder.You didn't mind it, you thought it was cute.

Freiza coughs, soon driving the attention to him "For the mean time what kind of entertainment do you harbor?You wouldn't plan to kill me with utter boredom would you?"

The king nods "I would never!" he claps his hands as the doors of the large palace open, another coming to him "We need the best of the best to preform tonight, why are you standing here?!Get.Going!"


Kuriza looks up at his farther, eyes of joy "Yes father?"

"Go take her to get properly dressed.Then find me after your done with that task."

Bubbling joy was brewing in you to hear that, so being extremely excited, you tug Kuriza all over the place.Not going to lie Kuriza was amused by the hyper stamina you harbor in your body yet as he pulls you into the right direction.

The sayian women notice you two, so she got rather curious and approached the two "Children?Where are you running off to?"

"To get my little sister a appropriate clothing for the feast later, she has none to chose from." Kuriza told as your looking around the amazing new place.

"Oh well your lucky cause I own a shop full of dresses and suites, come, follow me."

Kuriza and you look at each other, just for a few seconds, before following the woman to her shop.

Intriguing...[Freiza X Child!Human!Reader X Kuriza]Where stories live. Discover now