Hide & Paint

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Your parents told you to hide.Being small and still young you thought this was a game.Playing a soft tune in your head you did not notice the new presence of someone in your room, not even smelling the iron that drip down from their tail.

Waiting a little longer you pout looking at your teddy bear cutely "This is no fun, did they give up on finding me-?"

The moment you spoke was when that person was going to leave the room entirely, but they heard you, so once that happened the cardboard doors were open immediately.Yes you were blind to the light but happy to be found.

"I knew someone was in here!Fear me  human for I, son of-!"

"You found me!" You cheered, happy to come out and stretch, soon clapping happily to the strange boy "My name is (Y/N)!What's yours?"

Kuriza was so confuse "...Why are you so happy?"

"You found me!You won!" You chirped, covering your eyes the next moment "Now you go hide and I'll count!"


Kuriza realized that you thought this was a game, a simple game of hide and go seek.But really in reality it was not, you were in danger and your too innocent to realize it.

He looks down at his tail "(Y/N) is it?" You nod as Kuriza shows you his tail covered in blood, seeing you make a face of disgust, then continues with curiosity "What do you think this stuff on my tail is?"

You thought about it, your tongue poking out as you thought hard, then soon stop as you ran to a tissue box next to your bed and come over to help Kuriza with his bloody coated tail with it.

"I think that's paint, a special one too!It smells bad haha!"


This was not paint, no.

This was your parents blood.

Yet here you are, a little human girl his age, willingly helping him clean his tail that was covered in what you thought as paint...


You blink at him, very confuse "Wha?"

"Kuriza." He points at himself, soon taking your hand and tugs you downstairs "That's my name.Now follow me, I want you to meet Father."

His father?Oh!Is Kuriza's family here?Oh how fun!

Kuriza held his grip on your hand, it was not too tight but not too rough, as he tugs you passed what you thought was 'zombie decorations' on the floor that look so similar to real live people.That's when he really knew you never seen anything nor witnessed such gore or horror as this in your life.

He will have to change that..

"Hm?I didn't expect you to be done so-" Kuriza tugs you along behind him, soon standing beside him, his father ever so confused to see you "-Kuriza..Explanation."

"I want her as my little sister father."

Frieza frozen up, thinking this is just one of the many childish jokes Kuriza pulls on him once a while, but no.This was for real.How?He never seen Kuriza so serious before.Ever.

Frieza groans, easily towering over the two "Why do you even want a sister?Actually, why a human one at that?"

Your confuse but let Kuriza hug you from behind, causing you to have a giggle fit as his head was on top of yours while his tail wraps around your waist, then he spoke "She intrigues me.That is why father."

"Intrigues you?How so?"


You lean your head into Kuriza's shoulder softly, curious "Yeah?"

Kuriza looks at the blood on his father's feet, soon pointing at that "What is that on his feet?"

Frieza scoffs "What kind of question is that?It's blo-!"

"It's paint!"

Frieza gives you the most weirdest look ever as his son points at other gory things in the house, even the deceased bodies of your loving parents, as what you thought as 'Halloween decorations' which really are not.

By now your tummy let out a grumble, soon you pat your tummy cutely "I'm hungry!Come on Kuri-oniisan!"

Kuriza was shock and suprised by your nickname for him.Not expecting it so soon, but now that he thinks of it he is a little hungry too.

Frieza stood there, watching as his son and the human child enjoy each others company, he wasn't expecting his plans on strengthening his sons bloodlust would end up with him taking interest in....this kid.

But who can blame his son?The girl was indeed intriguing..

He sighs, leaning into the kitchen door frame, watching the two finish their little snack.A small bag of (F/Chips).

Kuriza grabs your hand again, his tail around your waist again as well, before approaching his father.

"Do you see what I mean father?"

Frieza nods "I do." he then gets down to your eye level, his red ones staring into your (E/C) ones, then spoke "What is your name."

"(Y/N)!What's yours sir?"

He rubs his chin "So she has manners?That is good." he gets up, with his famous closed eye smile, then makes a 'follo me' hand motion "You will refer to me as Lord Frieza.Now let's get off this disgusting dirt ball of a planet already!"

Clutching onto your teddy bear you nod "Okie dokie!" and follow him to a ship.Soon that ship went off into space.

Intriguing...[Freiza X Child!Human!Reader X Kuriza]Where stories live. Discover now