Ginyuu Ginyuu

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"And those are my toys!" Kuriza shows you these odd toys, most of them were headless, soon letting you hold one yourself "I'll make sure to have father get you some of your own!"

Putting down your teddy bear you smile down at the odd green soilder toy, tracing your finger over the details, soon you quickly hug Kuriza.He was a few inches taller but your head was right below his chin.

"Thank you Kuri-oniisan!"

Kuriza didn't know what to do but pats your head, a tint of pink on his face "Y-Your welcome...let's go see what father i-is doing.."

You perk up "Okie dokie!" before Kuriza once again has your hand and his tail around your waist, pulling you along with his fast pace.

Meanwhile Frieza was making some rearrangements back home, for they still have a long ride to go, but he was going to make sure your needs are there for you.Or else his son will annoy him till he gives in and does it later.He loves his son but no.

The soilder then approached him, bowing, then spoke "I did as you asked Lord Frieza.They waite for you outside this room-."

"Bring them in.You shall leave after that."

Like that the soilder did as told and let the Ginyuu Force in, every single member, as he once again bows before closeing the door as he left.

The leader, Ginyuu of course, was the first to get on his knees and bow "We came as told Lord Frieza.It is good to see you after-."

"Did I say you could speak?"

All of them froze.The room has become very cold and tense, soon as Ginyuu was about to apologize the doors open and closed.

"Father how long till we reach that monkeys planet?" Kuriza then notice the Ginyuu Force, soon walking away from them slightly with you "Why are they here?"

The Ginyuu Force was supposed to be scared for their lives yet they were also suprised and utterly shock to see the lords son clinging onto a weak ass human child in a protective like hug...Was the trip to earth a failure?

Frieza sighs, speaking to his men "Oi.Eyes on me.Now."

They did as told.Immediately acting like they were supposed to be acting a long time ago.

"Kuriza has made an attachment to this child, and it seems it has done so to me as well in a way." Each of them were confused but wanted to know more, so he continues "For now on she will be referred to as my equal, if she needs your help in anything you will do as they say.Any who protest shall die a slow brutal death."

They all nod, cold sweat down their foreheads, before they left completely.

You waite till the door shut then spoke "Lord Frieza?Who were they??"

Kuriza still had his hold on you but once again lays his head on top of yours, seeming to like it a lot, as his father watch with keen eyes.

He ignores your question as a fimialer dirt ball planet comes into view, soon pushing you two to somewhere with his tail "Kuriza we are here."

Kuriza perks up "Finally!" and the next thing you know was him running with you, his tail basically carrying your smaller form "Come on!This is going to be fun!"

Frieza huffs seemingly to rub his temple with a slim smile "Fucking monkeys.." as he to follows behind.

Even though he hates this planet, like he could skip it and go home completely, but he wanted to see what you would do if you were there..

Intriguing...[Freiza X Child!Human!Reader X Kuriza]Where stories live. Discover now