chapter 11 (nsfw)

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I stared at myself through the foggy bathroom mirror, using a towel to wipe away the steam and get a clearer view of myself.

Two weeks had passed since Jean and I's date and everything was going great. Everyone at work knew now and most of the internet. Of course a lot of fans didn't like it, especially on Jean's part. Hate messages were definitely received but I always just laughed, finding it funny how some girls got so upset that a guy who didn't even know they existed had a girlfriend.

I examined my skin, faded hickies lined my collarbones. Jean never seemed to show any mercy when it came to leaving marks, even though I've tried telling him it's not smart because we have work but of course he doesn't listen.

I sighed, exiting the bathroom to go to my room and change into something comfortable. Despite not having work today, we had to meet at the studio to talk about our flight out to New York in a few days to be on national television for an interview that none of us were looking forward too.

Sasha and I eventually finished getting ready, neither of us bothering to look fantastic due to the fact it was already 7pm and we were just going for a meeting. We eventually arrived at the studio and made our way in to see the group of everyone who was going, a few still missing.

I examined the area to see a couple unfamiliar faces. I of course knew who they were but hadn't spoken to them yet, almost nervous too due to how tall the woman was.

"There you are." I turned to see Jean walking towards me. "We're just waiting on Floch and Hange to get here and then we're gonna start." He smiled.

"Do you think we're taking the private jet again?" Connie smiled, clearly giddy about the fact we get to go into the city again.

"Probably not." I sighed. "We'll probably fly first class though." I shrugged. "We're only going to be there for 4 days so I doubt they'll spend the money on the jets."

Connie groaned. "I don't wanna set foot into an airport after last time."

"We'll have security, it won't be that bad." Jean laughed. "Plus there's not as many of us going so we won't be recognized as easily."

"Alright everyone gather so we can get everything straight!" Levi announced.

We got into our small group as our managers gave us the gist of everything that would go down. Trips normally always went the same. Our flights were always booked in advance but we got to choose the hotels we stayed at. Connie suggested since it's just the four of us we book a suite which we agreed to.

"No bringing random girls to it though." Jean sternly pointed at his friend. Connie rolled his eyes. "Then you two can't fuck with Sasha and I there cause we don't wanna hear it." He threw his arm around Sasha who nodded in agreement, taking a bite of the chips she held in hand.

"I'm upset Niccolo and Marco don't get to go." She frowned, taking another bite.

"Marco is going to visit his family and I mean technically Niccolo could go." I shrugged. "He'd just have to book his own flight. He can stay in the room with us." Sasha's eyes lit up as she immediately pulled out her phone to call her boyfriend, moving out of Connie's arms. "Come on, I don't wanna be the fifth wheel." Connie whined, crossing his arms.

"When are you ever the fifth wheel now?" I raised an eyebrow.

"When Jean doesn't game with me because he's too busy having sex or cuddling OR when he no longer will let me show him hot models because 'my girl is already the hottest'." Connie rolled his eyes. "You took my bro."

"That doesn't make you a fifth wheel, man."Jean laughed at Connie's childish behavior. I glared for a moment, realizing what the grey haired male had said. "Why are you trying to show my boyfriend models anyway?"

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