45 Minutes Later...

Thankful Doflamingo had managed to stay awake long enough to drive us both to Law's house but I knew he had lost a lot of blood. Though even after all the man had endured, he was somehow still awake. "Doflamingo-ya stay still. You're making my job more difficult than it needs to be. (Y/n)-ya can you hand me that bottle of rubbing alcohol?... Thank you. This might sting a little" Law has told me to stay out of his way so that's what I did as I remained on the couch watching as the doctor patched up my partner. "Why are you guys so fucking loud? I can't get a single moment of peace in this house"

"Hey, Kidd it's good to see you're back to normal. Doffy got himself shot at but he's doing fine" Kidd sent me a confused look but eventually sat down beside me as he looked over at Law. "Are you almost done patching up the feathered idiot? I'm fucking starving Law" These two were definitely an interesting couple but at least they appeared to love each other enough to stay together. "Did you already eat that snack I prepared for you, Kidd? It's on the island"

"No... When I get back that moron better be on his way out of my fucking house!" Law only ignored the man's behavior and soon enough he had finished applying the bandages to Doflamingo's abdomen. "Is he all better now Law?" When he slowly nodded his head, I went over to give my boyfriend a hug but I was careful not to disturb his wound too much. "Oh, Doffy I'm glad you're okay. Never scare me like that again! I thought you were going to die!"

"Shhhh~ It's alright (Y/n). Come on our ride should be waiting outside. You can make me dinner tonight as well since I'm injured" At least the man still had his sense of humor but I could see the way Doflamingo winced when he tried to laugh. "Don't hurt yourself Doffy... What would you like for dinner?"

"Surprise me~"


An Hour Later...

"Alright, Doffy your dinners read-... He fell asleep?... Hm, I love you Doffy. Sleep tight" Pulling off his sunglasses I set them on the coffee table before I covered him with a blanket and left the room. His dinner was already on a plate so I just needed to put it in the fridge for later and clean up the kitchen some. Though after the kitchen was cleaned up pretty good a long yawn exited my mouth as went back to the living room and curled up by Doflamingo feet before I fell asleep as well. "I'll see you in the morning Doffy"


Doflamingo's Pov

The Next Day...

"Yawn... Hmm, I must have fallen asleep last night. I wonder wher- Oh, there she is" I didn't want to wake the girl up but she had her legs tangled up with mine. "(Y/n) you're going to need to move my darling" As I tried to remove the girl without disturbing her, I could see she had started to shift around though that gave me enough time to slip away from her. "Hm, she sure is cute when she's asleep. I'll be back in a minute"


I took one last look down at the girl as she turned on her side but when she remained asleep, I left the room to take care of my business and find something to eat. My first stop was the bathroom since I needed to change the bandages on my wound though I would need to find those pain killers Law had sent over as well. "Fuck... It's been a while since I took a hit like this"

As I removed my shirt it caused a sharp pain to shoot through my side but I tried to ignore it as I pulled away the old bandages to see the damage. "Damn, it's worse than I thought it was, and knowing my luck it will leave a scar to... Where did (Y/n) put the clean bandages and rubbing alcohol?"

"They're on the second shelf Doffy. Do you need any help?" When I turned my head towards the voice, I made eye contact with (Y/n) as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "So cute... I'd love a hand if you don't mind (Y/n) just be careful and go slow"

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