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Aang's POV

I woke up and went to the bathroom, my sister was there. "Y'know, you're really lucky. You're friends with a world-famous person." She says, I smile. Then I go to her house, I knock on the door. A woman comes, "Hello." She says, "Hi, is Katara here?" I ask, "KATARA!" The woman shouts, "Coming!" She states. Oh gosh, she looks even more beautiful than normal...I didn't know that was possible. "Bye Malina, see you later." She says, the woman waves goodbye.

Katara's POV

"You call your mother by her name?" He asks, I shake my head. "She's my stepmother, she said as she's not our mother we can call her by her name. I wish I could speak to my mother." I state, "What happened to your mother?" He queries, "She was killed when I was 8." I confess, "I'm so sorry, I lost my parents before my sister was 3. I was about 4..." He tells me, "But that man in your home?" I ask, "He's our guardian, we don't call him Dad or anything though." He admits.

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