"Which means it's tomorrow."

"Which means we're dating again."

"Boyfriend's kiss." Kyler pointed out.

Rylan nodded. "Boyfriends do a lot more than kiss."

They stared at each other.

"Wanna make out?"



Rylan, still fully clothed, pressed into Kyler's chest. Even through the their layers of clothing, Rylan could feel how warm he was. That was his favorite thing about Kyler- how no matter what, he was a steady warmth.

He missed times like this when it was okay to lay together without that label of friends. Broken up but not quite exes. They still were technically, until the three of them met up again.


Today actually, in exactly thirteen hours.

"Have you told him you quit yet?"

Kyler's hand paused on Rylan's back before continuing to stroke the soft, warmed skin under his shirt. "No. It's not that big of deal."

"Don't say that." Rylan scolded quietly. He would've looked up to properly chastise him but he was too comfortable pressed against him like this. "Quitting smoking isn't easy." He knew all too well. "And it took you weeks."

"Maybe when he gets back."

It took Kyler four weeks after Chet left to fully quit smoking. He was already trying before but Chet leaving pushed him ever more. There were times when he felt lonely and wanted to turn to cigarettes for a short lived comfort, and sometimes he did.

He regretted it each time but it wasn't something he could go cold turkey on. He tried, he really did, but it was hard. So he only did it when he felt his hand reach for his phone, wanting to text Chet. Or when his mind couldn't stay off Rylan, wanting to see him.

Kyler did it as a distraction. He started smoking more after Chet left, almost nightly, completely erasing the progress he already made.

Rylan didn't find out until weeks later when they started meeting again. He knew as soon as he met with Kyler, able to smell cigarettes on him right away. But he didn't say anything, it wasn't his right to- Rylan knew how annoying it was when people reminded him, aren't you supposed to be quitting.

Kyler told him, only after their third 'friend date' that he was struggling to quit. He asked Rylan for advice, knowing he used to smoke himself, and it slowly dwindled down after that. Three cigarettes a day turned into two, and then into one, and finally into nothing.

56 days without a cigarette and he still missed Chet and he missed Rylan and he missed his relationship with them, but he wasn't smoking anymore. It was one less thing to miss at least.

Rylan was here, Chet would be home tomorrow, and they would be in relationship again- it felt like he had a lot less things to miss as each hour ticked by.

"I told my friend he couldn't move in with me." Rylan's voice broke his train of thought. "I told him after I called Chet, he was really annoyed. He's wanted to ever since Lucas moved out."

"Is he gay?"



They haven't talked about it yet, at least not in detail, but Kyler could decipher what when does your lease end meant. "Are you about to ask to move in together, babe?"

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