Chapter 2 Pt 3- Unknown

Start from the beginning

It's all my fault.

"That's true (y/n)-chan"

Shoyo was sitting on Tendous bed. Looking at me with that creepy grin on his face. Now that I had a better look at him. His face was all broken, sort of like a porcelain dolls. Parts of him were stained black, and his eyes we're bright red.

"I died because of you, Iwaizumi-san died because of you, and now Tendou-san is gonna die because your not doing anything"


Shoyo continued to talk, and I found my legs giving way beneath me. I curled up into a ball, crying. Because I was useless, I couldn't do anything, because of me not only will Tendou die... Aone will, Kuroo will... And whoever else faints too...

It's my fault...


I didn't bother looking up. I could recognize Futakuchis voice anywhere. I couldn't look him on the eye though... If he knew it was all my fault he would hate me.

After a little while I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and I was shifted to lean into Futakuchis chest. I cried on him for a little while. Him not saying a word.

It didn't take long for me to calm down slightly. My sobbing turned into hiccups and Futakuchi asked me what was wrong. To which I responded with my honest answer. There was no point in lying.

"It's all my fault..."

"What is.?"


He seemed confused at first, but after understanding what I meant. He flicked my on the forehead, causing me to let out a small 'ow'.

"Last time I checked you weren't the one who carried out this whole killing game. You a victim just like the rest of us. We all voted out Iwaizumi-san, Hinata-kun made that decision by himself. Stop carrying such a huge burden all by yourself. We're all in the same boat so let us help"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. But they were the words I think I really needed to hear. I gave him one last hug and thanked him, before saying I would be heading off to bed for the night.

My room was a few doors down. So it didn't take me long to get there. I quickly changed and hopped into bed before I feel asleep standing.


"Wow look! The reason for my death is back! Nice to see you~"


"What is it? Finally realising its your fault?"

"Shut up"


"Shup up! It's not my fault! I'm not the only one in this situation you know?!"

"So what will you do?"

"I don't know that yet, but I do know that I don't have to listen to you"

"... Hehe... That's good (y/n)-chan"

And I woke up back in my room... Thanks to Futakuchi yesterday, I managed to hold my own against whatever that was. I'd have to thank him later.

Overnight it seemed like Bokuto and Daishou had fainted, and Akaashi wasn't dealing with it very well. Kenma hadn't left kuroos side, and Futakuchi had been hanging around Ushijima a lot. I'm guessing because of how the two looked similar build wise.

I would've sat with Tendou, but because of what happened I chose to sit with Akaashi instead so I could make sure he was ok.
Futakuchi presented to us his idea of how to search areas today. He thought it was best if we split up to cover more ground, since the bottom floor had already been checked a lot, Oikawa was in charge of checking out what they have in the storage room. Then meeting up with Futakuchi on the second floor in an hour to compare the two closets on the first and third floors.

The rest of us would search the second and third floors. It actually seemed like a good idea so we all agrees and got on to searching.

I made sure to stick with Akaashi throughout the search, and I made sure he was ok multiple times. So much that I think he was getting annoyed by me. Eventually however, I felt a pain in my legs, and I stopped walking. Akaashi asked me what was wrong but I couldn't reply. I was in so much pain.

Nonono. I don't want this to happen. I can't faint now. I tried my best to stay awake as the pain grew. Akaashi leaned me up against the wall trying to get my to answer. But all I could do want nod my head when he talked about the transmitter.

Then it stopped.

The pain went away.

... I'm sorry what.

"What was that?"

"I dunno. Why'd it stop? That's weird, is the transmitter broken?"


"A body had been discovered, now after a certain amount of time, the class trial will begin"

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