War Day 4: Stain's Aura

Start from the beginning

Me: C-C-Crime?

Yaoyorozu: Don't play dumb! You make me feel sick!


Ida: We know what you did and it was not heroic at all! I would describe it more as villainous and to think that I believed that you would be a splendid hero was a big mistake on my part. We obviously don't want to associate with a villain. I must ask you to leave and not to show yourself in front of us unless it is necessary. I as the class representative am speaking for the whole class and you are no longer a member of ours. The class is feeling uncomfortable with you around; if you have any human feelings at all than I appeal that you must leave right now!

Me: I am sorry for what I did!

I would be lying if I said his words weren't hurting me. I was crying and I couldn't stop myself. What I didn't notice at first when I entered the room was that every student was giving me a hatred look. After what happened, I didn't had an appetite anymore so I threw the meal into the dumpster and went to the rooftop. That was the only place I could be alone.

That night I couldn't sleep at all.

The next day I didn't even bothered to make a breakfast, I wasn't feeling hungry. All I could feel was sadness. Words of my past began haunting me: WORTHLESS, WASTE OF SPACE, USELESS,DIE. I couldn't help it anymore. The voices were getting louder and louder. One thought crossed my mind and I did what that thought told me to do: CUT! I went to my bathroom and took a razorblade and began cutting. 21 one cuts on each arm, 42 in total. That was the amount of cuts needed to snap me out of the despair and the voices were getting quieter until they disappeared.

We had hero lesions with All Might that day and the hero was watching me carefully. I thought it was weird since he never was watching me that way until I caught it again on this person, the very person that crushed my dream and gave me a chance. Hatred!







I couldn't take it anymore this was getting ridiculous! I wanted to know what I did and how to make up for it. I wanted to make it up to them! I wanted answers!

So I did the next logical thing and went to All Might after the class ended and asked him.

Me: All Might, I have a question: What did I do wrong?

I think he was stunned that I would even ask, as if it was self-understanding.

All Might: Young Midoriya, this is a stupid question of you to ask. I believe you know exactly what you did.

Me: Wait please, I really don't know!

All Might: My boy, are you sure about that?

Me: Yes, if I would know what I did wrong, I wouldn't be asking everyone... No one want's to tell me what's going on and what I did wrong! I can't fix something when I don't even know what I did! Soo please, I beg you, please tell me!

All Might: It is not my place to tell you. Be prepared for when I came back with a true successor. I am expecting you to give my linage up to that person. Now if you excuse me, I need to go.

What did he just say?!




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