Luther rolls his eyes.

Luther; and last on the agenda is dad's missing monocle.

Diego; but that monocle is useless

Luther; yeah and some took it. Someone who was close to him and probably had a personal grudge against him.

Klaus: So, what are you implying?

Diego; isn't it obvious Klaus, he thinks one of us killed dad.

Luther keep silent, but he wasn't denying the statement

Klaus; You think it was one of us.

Vanya looked over at Diego

Vanya; How could you ever think that

Luther; No, no I wasn't

As everyone gets up and leaves, Luther tries to explain himself.

Luther: no guys wait, guys.

Klaus; yeah no, I'm a go-kill mom now.

Luther; Allison waits.

Allison looks at Luther, shaking her head, then walking off. Diego gets up as he looks at Luther and says.

Diego; Way to lead Luther

Then walks off

Luther; well that went well.

In the office of Reginald Hargreeve, Luther was sitting behind the desk as he rummaged through the drawers. Searching for something

Pogo limped into the room and he appeared to have something in his paws.

Pogo; Master Luther

Luther, not bothering to look at who had entered the room

Luther; I'm looking for Dad's monocle. Have you seen it?

Pogo; No. i would assume its with resigns with the rest of his personal

Luther, still shuffling through the drawers.

Luther; Nope. Already checked.

Pogo, not ready to give up, cleared his throat to try again. This time luther shafted his
gaze to give Pogi his attention

Pogo; Your father has left me with a specific set of instructions. In the unlikely event of his departure, he wanted you to have this.
Luther; The Eye of Anubis. We took it from Boss Tutankhamun. That was the first mission i ever led.(in a quieter tone)It was the best day of my life.Pogo handed Luther a small ruby gem, Luther took the gem, smiling a bit to himself.

Pogo; Perhaps that's why he wanted you to have it, Master Luther.

Luther;The others think I'm crazy.

Pogo; In their defense, you did accuse one of them of patricide.

Luther; So you don't believe me either?

Pogo; In my short time on this earth, I've seen incredible things from the children of the Umbrella Academy. I've seen courage and imagination beyond all reckoning. Moments of weakness, yes, of course. But what I have not seen is cowardice, or treachery. And to kill a man in his sleep is the ultimate act of cowardice.

Pogo began to limp towards the door, Before glancing back at Luther

Pogo;You should have faith in your family, Master Luther. They still have faith in you.

He then walked away

The siblings all went their separate ways to think over what Luther had said. They couldn't help listening to the song "I think we're alone now" by Tiffany, which was playing on the radio. As the siblings start dancing like no one was watching, a blue-like portal starts to form out the Hargreeves house. Everyone walks out wondering what it was. Diego opens the back door while everyone else walks outside as well.

Vanya; what is it

Allison; Don't get close!

Diego; yeah, well no shit.

Luther; I don't know what it is, it's probably a temporal anomaly or a black hole. It's probably one of the two.

Diego; A pretty big difference Paul Bunyan.

Klaus; out of the way!!

Klaus ran in front of Luther and Diego with a fire extinguisher. He then threw the fire extinguisher into the portal.

Allison; What was that supposed to do?!

Klaus; I don't know.

Then the sound of thunder striking scared Klaus and the others.

Luther; Get behind me

Diego; yeah get behind us

Klaus; I vote on running, come on.

Everyone stayed put and in the port two people were trying to get out of the portal. Right then one landed on their feet while the other landed on their stomach. There were two boys, one was 13 while the other looked as though they were 14.

Klaus; is it just me or do I see little five and another little boy standing there?

The two boys looked at each other. Before looking down at themselves

Both boys; shit

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