"The Final Testimony"

Mulai dari awal

without any hesitation, he took out the dagger and presented to the court

'the dagger the killer brought to the scene of the crime'

the judge's eyes widened at the weapon

'Oh...! That's right! I forgot about that...'

'This dagger was found at the crime scene, stuck into a pine tree.'

godot nodded

'Yes, the detective found that this morning and brought it to me'

'that Hawthorne bitch struck back at the killer with this! And she managed to wound him as well!'


godot slammed down his one fist on the bench

'Just because he let out a scream doesn't mean that he was wounded. For all we know, the blood on the dagger could have been from the victim!'

phoenix however, wasn't letting up as he argued back

'you forgotten that the blood has already been tested?'

he asked him, godot went quite at that

' we learned it wasn't the victim's blood, it must be the killer's blood! The killer must have a wound somewhere on his body!'

the court mumbled amongst themselves as the judge banged down his gavel

'So you're saying the blood on this dagger belongs to the killer...?'

he questioned, phoenix nodded

'an DNA analysis of the blood would prove that's Godot blood!'

godot caught the mug in his hands as he had to give it to him

'Nice theory, Trite.''

the court started to go wild again as the judge banged down his gavel

'Order!, Order in the court!!'

as much phoenix would have liked to believe it was over with, ..he could tell godot wasn't giving in yet

'...Ha! Let me ask you something, Trite. Let's just say that it turned out that I was the killer, Do you really think I would be stupid enough to leave evidence like that?'

phoenix crossed his arms as he listened to whatever godot had to say

'Just think for a second. This dagger was found this morning by a detective and brought to me. There was already a bloodstain on it, correct? But even so... I was the one who brought this dagger here to the courtroom'

the judge nodded, seeing his side 

'Y-Yes... What does that prove?'

'Well, if I really were the killer... ...I could've washed the blade off and then planted another person's blood on it, In any case, there's one thing I can guarantee, Trite. That blood... It doesn't belong to me. Not a chance!'

though phoenix gritted his teeth, ...he wasn't showing his panic, the judge closed his eyes as he put his own thoughts on the matter at hand

'In any event, it seems to be established that the killer was wounded. Alright then, witness. Continue your testimony-'


maya yelled, now that surprised everyone

'W-Wait a minute...!'

the judge stood in his chair as he asked in a very confused tone

'...What's the problem?'

maya stumbled a bit on her words, as she had no idea if she should say this, ..but didn't want to hide anything anymore

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