"Well, it's about time," Dean Winchester was in the already opened doorway in his wheelchair. "Does it always take you this long to get to someone's front door.

Castiel stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't know what to say.

"Well, don't stop now. You're here and halfway up. C'mon! You can do it. Just a few more steps." Dean began slowly backing himself up to make room for the doctor to enter.

Castiel felt his face flush.

"Good morning, Mr. Winchester, I hope this day has you feeling a bit better since you've been home?" He stopped short of the threshold.

Dean backed the wheelchair up to make more room for his guest to enter. "Yes. Yes I do. Please, come on in all the way. I'm not a monster." He smiled. Why couldn't the man come in like a regular person? Was he afraid or just unhappy at having to work on a Saturday? Dean took a deep breath, feeling annoyed that he'd be the reason the doctor's weekend was interrupted by such an odious task of checking on a patient he clearly was not actually interested in seeing.

Castiel smiled at him, "I'm very glad to hear that," he said genuinely. He turned to close the door for Dean who'd rolled off towards the spacious main combination living, dining, and kitchen area.

"Can I offer you a drink? Tea, water, a coke?" He swept his arm towards the kitchen.

"Um, yes, I'd appreciate that as I've been on the road a while this morning." Castiel stood still with his box of pastries.

Dean stared at him for a second, trying to figure him out.

"It might be easier if you set your box down and grab a glass from the cabinet. My friends somehow didn't think about my inability to reach for extra glassware or plates from the high cabinets. The stuff in the dishwasher is dirty."

Castiel blinked with a start. "Oh, yes, yes. I'm sorry, I just didn't think." He gave the box of pastries to Dean.

"These are from my brother's shop. I thought you may be hungry for breakfast if you happened to sleep late or just that you may want to sample some of his wares."

Castiel walked around the island and looked at the array of cabinets trying to deduce where he might find drinking glasses. He opened a cabinet on one side of the sink, closed it and checked the one on the other side of the sink. He closed it and looked around. He saw the opened box, Dean with head down and a giant smile on his face.

"Wha—? Pie! Hell, yeah!" Dean looked up at Castiel and pointed to the cabinet next to the refrigerator. "Hey, grab a couple of plates out that cabinet there." He pointed. "Tea's in the fridge in the pitcher.

Castiel smiled and brought the plates, two glasses, two forks and a knife from the first drawer he looked in, and the pitcher of iced sweet tea. He really wasn't hungry, but didn't want to be a bad guest.

"I love me some pie," Dean was all smiles "and this smells delicious!"

"Yes, my brother is an excellent baker. I'm sorry I didn't catch all the names of the items he put in the box. Some of the names are similar. All are risqué. I do recall this particular pie is called the Bi Pie. It is filled with a combination of half cream pie and half fruit, 'swirled together, giving you the best combination of both worlds.'" Castiel quoted, then busied himself placing out the plates and utensils. He took the box from Dean and cut a small piece of the pie to put on one plate for him, then placed the remainder of the pie on the second plate. He had the feeling that it would be no problem for Dean to finish off in one go.

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