Dean goes home

Depuis le début

Dean looked up at this wonder-worker nurse and nodded.

"Thank you. I'll try to remember that. Really, I will. As you've seen, I'm not always the best at letting things go or expressing myself, but maybe thinking of that, reminding myself how you've helped me, will help me change that. So...t-thank you."

Ezekiel pulled out the t-shirt and stretchy, slightly baggy flannel casual pajama pants. They were a size or two bigger than his normal size, Dean observed. They must be a pair of Sam's. Well, at least they'd fit over the cast so he could get home in actual clothing instead of with his ass hanging out of a backless hospital gown since they'd had to cut his jeans off him when they brought him in.

Benny and Lee walked in just as Ezekiel finished his task.

"Hey Cher, are you ready to go back home?" Benny asked him as he patted Dean's leg just above the cast. He had a smile with a particular glint in his sparkling blue eyes. Dean noticed Lee did, too, as he walked to the far side of the bed, passing the nurse headed towards the door.

"I'll return momentarily with your wheelchair," he said as he pulled the door closed.

"You do not know how ready I am." Dean said.

Dean noticed Lee and Benny traded a few glances between each other.

"Alright, let me make sure we have all your things together," Lee turned to start looking through the closet and drawers.

"Wow, they should did a number on your jeans," he said holding up the cut up pants. "Why'd they even save these?"

"I don't know, but check my pockets, then you can toss them in the garbage."

Lee dug through the pockets and came out with Dean's wallet, $1.73 in loose change, a pack of gum with three pieces left, two receipts from the hardware store and one from the sandwich shop, Dean's pocket knife, and an extra box of brads for the nail gun. He laid it all out on the bed next to Dean.

Dean looked at it all, tossed the receipts, popped a piece of gum in his mouth and offered the others to his friends. He checked the flannel pants for pockets, shoved everything in the two spacious front pockets and tossed Benny the nails, shrugging.

Ezekiel came back in, pushing a wheelchair, Adam following behind holding crutches.

"These came in for you from the medical equipment rental store this afternoon," Adam grimaced waiting for his brother's inevitable angry rant.

"Ugghh." Dean rolled his eyes. "Really?"

"Well, first of all, yes, hospital policy that all patients be wheeled out to meet a waiting vehicle upon discharge. Second, I'd love a picture of you getting yourself up your front stairs and inside by yourself, on crutches, in a long cast where you can't bend your knee." Adam grinned, but the smile did not reach his eyes. "I think you might be back here tonight getting another cast, either on your other leg or on an arm or hip. Then you'd be in here a lot longer than you have been already."

Dean looked daggers at his brother. Then, over Adam's shoulders, he saw Dr. NoWay engrossed in some files, walking past in the hall outside.

"Alright, then," he smiled, sliding toward the edge of the bed, "let's get this show on the road! I can't wait to get home and see all my babies!"

Astonished at Dean's sudden change of heart, Benny raised his eyebrows, then nodded and winked at Lee and Adam. Dean noticed the wink, but said nothing. His friends and his brother were planning something, but he didn't know what.

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