"I don't regret anything either wise girl." I say and kiss her forehea.


Zoë is almost five months old and is grabbing everything. Including my hair. Piper wants Percy and I to help her with the wedding planning so I'm getting Zoë dressed which she absolutely hated today.

She can stand for a short period of time with help so we practice standing a few times a day but she wants to do it all the time

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She can stand for a short period of time with help so we practice standing a few times a day but she wants to do it all the time.
  I pick her up and set her on my hip.
   "Percy time to go" I shout from down the hall before walking into the living room.
  He turns the Tv off and puts his shoes on.
   I set the car seat down and while Percy puts Zoë in her car seat while put my shoes on.

   We walk out to the car Percy bought a few weeks ago, it's a dark gray jeep which has plenty of room for everything.
   I set Zoë in the backseat and get into the passenger seat while Percy drives.

   "Piper wants us to meet her and Jason in the Aphrodite cabin, she's making her siblings stay out of the cabin for as long as we need." I tell him.
  He nods and we head to camp. We park the car and get out, Percy carries sleeping Zoë in her car seat and I grab the diaper bag.
  We walk up the hill and start walking to the Aphrodite cabin, I knock on the door quietly so I don't wake Zoë,
"Come in." I hear Piper say. I open the door and we walk in.

Piper has a notebook on her bed and is writing something and Jason is nodding at what she was saying.
   "Hey guys" Percy said. Piper looked up and jumped off the bed. Percy set the car seat on the floor and apparently Zoë wanted in on the action because she was wide awake. 

Piper took Zoë out of her car seat and held her. "Oh gods she's gotten so big." Piper says with a smile on her face.
  I smile sadly and set the stuff down in the corner. "Ok let's get to work." I comment. Piper hands Zoë to me  and I pull up and chair around the table.
  "So, when do you want to go dress shopping?" I ask Piper.
   "Umm well it's May fifth and we've settled on July fifteenth for the wedding so maybe June eighth?" She says.
  I nod and she writes the dates down on the calendar.
  We talk for a few hours and after the second hour Zoë starts crying and squirming around in my arms as she reaches out for Percy to take her and he does exactly what she wants. Percy takes her out of the cabin while Piper, Jason, and I continue to work.

I take Zoë out of the cabin I could tell she was felling cooped up.
   I take her down to the beach and sit down on the sand. She calms down as soon as her little feet touch the waves.
   She starts reaching out to touch them and I smile. I get up and take Zoë a little deeper into the water.

   I keep myself and Zoë dry so she can splash in the water without getting wet. She has the best time playing in the water and having fun. I enjoy watching my little girl have fun and after about thirty minutes I hear someone come Into the water, "I see she's calmed down." I hear Annabeth says.
   I look behind me and smile, "Yeah, she loves the water how did the rest of the wedding planning go?" I ask.
  "Good, dress shopping is June 8th, the wedding is July fifteenth, the colors are gold and light blue, and then the rest of the stuff we went over when you were there." I nod and turn back to Zoë. Annabeth sits on the sand and watches us.


We spent a hour at the beach until Zoë fell asleep watching the waves.
  I put her in her car seat and we head home.
  It's around five in the evening when we get home. Annabeth wakes Zoë up and I give her a quick bath to get the sea water off of her.
  Annabeth puts her in her pjs and feeds her on the couch. I make a dinner of pasta and give Annabeth a bowl. She finishes eating and goes to put Zoë to bed.

  I start to clean up the kitchen and get ready for bed when I realize Annabeth hasn't come down yet and Zoë is screaming her little head off.
  I wait to see if Annabeth can get her to bed and after about thirty minutes the crying gets louder. Annabeth walks down the stairs with a screaming Zoë in her arms trying her best to break her mother hold on her.
Without a word Annabeth hands Zoë to me and goes back upstairs, I hear a door shut and I sigh looking at Zoë who has immediately stopped crying.
   I carry her into her room and lay her in the crib. She giggles and looks up with me with her beautiful gray eyes. 
  "I'm pretty sure we discussed this before but I'll remind you; your mama loves you and I know you love her. But you have to be nice to her and let her hold you sometimes without losing your mind. Can you do that for her?"

Zoë I fast asleep by the time I finish talking,
  "I'm going to take that as a no." I mutter.
I kiss her forehead and head into my room to find Annabeth lying on her back with her hands over her eyes.
  She hears the door close and takes her hands off her eyes,
  "Why doesn't she like me? I try just about everything but once she's with you it's effortless."

I lay down next to her and she places her head on my shoulder.
"I don't know what's going on in her little mind but I do know that she loves you. It might take some time for her to realize that but she will always love you."
  I don't think she's convinced with what I'm saying but she nods as she gets up to get ready for bed.

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