Originals // Chapter 7

Start from the beginning

I finished singing and grabbed my phone to check the way the video has turned out, and i decided to post it, even if that little voice in my head was telling me not to, I did it anyways.

@Athena.Rivers: "I guess some queens don't need a crown <3"

I hit the post button and left my guitar back in it's place

'Hi, we are One Direction! Someone's calling you, answer your phone! Unless you don't like them, then you can just pretend that you didn't hear me. Which I would never do to anyone cause it would be mean. Unless they smell...

Wow! You are popular! Someone's calling you pick up your pho-'

"This damn ringtone" I muttered to myself

"Hey Ath!" Niall's face popped in my screen

Fuck, I forgot about Niall

"Niall! Oh my god I totally forgot about everything, im so sorry it's been a tough day I'm-"

"Hey hey Ath it's fine don't apologize" He reassured

"Im sorry"

"I just told you, don't apologize"

"Right, sorry" i slapped my forehead "I did it again, sorry. Oh my god sorry! I hate myself"

Niall was laughing out loud with the most beautiful smile in his face, while I was blushing like crazy

"So, how are you?"

I put my best fake smile on my face

"Im great, how about you"

"Are you sure you are alright?"

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?" I asked a bit confused

"I dont know"

"It's fine Niall, im alright I promise"

"You keep saying that you're alright but I can see through the fake smile, you know?"

How the fuck-

But I couldn't tell him what happened, because if I told him what happened I would have to tell him that Sophie told me not to get my hopes up about being with -him-, and I couldn't do that

Oh dear God eat me up and spit me out in Japan please

"I just had some trouble with my bestfriend that's all" I managed to say

"Do you want to tell me about it? Im a great listener"

"Um, so she didn't think I was enough for a guy"  I tried not to get nervous, but it was impossible

"What the fuck? Why would she say that?"

"I wish I knew Niall, I wish I knew" That familiar lump in my throat was forming again

"Ath don't cry, you don't deserve to cry because of her. We've known eachother for a short period of time but I assure you that you are an amazing girl, and any boy would be lucky to have you"

"You really think so?"

"I do not think so, I know so"

"Thank you"

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