Chapter 4: The New Guest

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( AN: My sincerest apologies for not uploading in a while. My laptop has been on the fritz lately and I've had to play catchup on a lot of my school work. And please forgive any errors since I finished this in the middle of the night. So without further ado, let's get back to the story.)  

Last time on Unlikely Pair:

"Whoever's there, come out now before we rearrange your face!!!" is what we heard Tigress say. I knew then that the jig was up, I looked back at the siblings and motioned for them to step out from cover. When Carmen and Tigress saw who we were, they were greatly shocked. "Wait so you guys were following us the whole time!!!" Carmen said in an accusing tone. I took a deep breath before I looked at them and said that the three of us had been thinking all evening, "The real question is, what are you doing in a relationship with a member of V.I.L.E?". At my question, I could see both of them start to tense up, be for they both say in unison "It's a long story/Its a long story".


Zack's POV:

 I could have sworn that a cold wind passed at that second when we were all just starring at one another. After what Shadowsan said it took me a second for me to get my own words out of my mouth. "Look, Carm, we trust you but can understand why this would be a tad confusing for us." is what I asked Carmen. At that Carmen started to ease up her fighting stance and motioned for Tigress to do the same, which she did hesitatingly. "Guys I know what this looks like, but trust me when I say things are not as they seem." is what she said back to us. "That's hard to believe given the show we just watched" is what Shadowsan said next. To which Carmen replied in a very serious tone "All you need to know now is that Tigress has been on our side for quite a while now. As for our relationship, it's personal". This caused both me and my sis to go wide-eyed and even Sensai flinched a little. How is this even possible we've seen all the things that Tigress has done and her battles with Carmen? That's when carmen let out a sigh and spoke again "Look, it's late we should head back to our HQ we can pick this up again in the morning". We all slowly nodded as we began walking back to HQ, but it was only a few seconds before Carmen turned around and realized that Tigress wasn't following us. "Arent you coming with our love?" she asked her. "WAIT UP, you won't show her where our HQ is?" Ivy cut in. "It's not like I don't already know where it is, I just thought I wasn't welcome" is what Tigress replied almost sadly as she looked down at the stone path. This came as a surprise to all of us including Carmen, who walked back over to Tigress and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey love, come with us. I can't just have you go back to a hotel after tonight". To which, Tigress looked up and Nodded and slowly sated walking with us. I wasn't the only one uncomfortable with this but Carmen is the boss so what she says goes. Man, I have no idea what tomorrow will hold.

Back at HQ

No one POV:

While all the other turn in for the night Carmen leads Tigress to her room which they would share this evening. As they start removing their clothing with Carmen on her bed and Tigress standing by the dresser looking for clothes, they couldn't help but start a conversation about what had transpired. Tigress spoke first and said "Well looks like the cats out of the bag, no pun intended" with her signature smirk. "I'm sorry about the others, this is not how I planned for them to find out" she replied apologetically as she removed her shirt. "It's not like I expected anything different, I thought Shadowsan was going to start attacking me after everything I've done," she said as she stood with her hands on the dresser in nothing but her undergarments. Carmen two had stripped down to her underwear when she looked up and saw the hurt looked in her girlfriend's eyes. She then walked over to where Tigress was standing and hugged her from behind wrapping her arms around her exposed waist. "They only think that way because they don't know the full story which is mostly my fault since I kept it a secret," she said as she rested her head on the back of her neck. "I hope you right because I'm really starting to like the idea of spending more time with you"  is what she said as she turned around and connected their lips together for a short yet sincere kiss. After a few moments, they separated they got changed into their sleepwear which consisted of Carmen's sweatpants and some oversized read t-shirts. After getting changed the woman found themselves in Carmen's queen-sized bed and began cuddling each other under the sheets. Tigress wrapped her arms protectively around Carmen. While she wrapped her own arms around Tigress's waist with her head in her chest. "When was the last time we held each other like this" is what Carmen calmly let out. "Your first year at the academy" "Ya it's been a while". While they spoke Carmen brought her hands under Tigress's shirt and ran her hands up the sides of the platinum blonds sides. Until her fingers graze over several small yet deep scars, which causes her partner to tense up ever so slightly. "You haven't, you know." "No, I haven't added any new ones.....But I would be lying if I said I haven't considered it" Tigress let out the last part barely above a whisper. This made Carmen Wrap her arms securely around her partner. "We don't need to let them know about this, we can leave this out when we talk to the others tomorrow" "They'll find out anyway, and besides if we're coming clean with them about everything then it's only fair we tell them". It's clear that to Carmen that she wasn't going to change her loves mind and simply let out a soft sigh. "Just tell me if there's anything you don't want to share yet, I got your back." "Hold up Princess, you were the one in crisis when I came here to have your back. So let's just get some sleep....I know you need it," Tigress said in a soft and concerned tone. "Ok..... Goodnight Iove" "Goodnight Princess". The two women couldn't help but smile as they both cuddled into each other embrace, simply enjoying have each other's company as they both slept soundly.

The Next Morning 

Tigress POV:

I wake up to the sound of the ocean as daylight invaded the room I was in. That's when I realized that I was defiantly NOT in my hotel room. I was about to get up from the bed when I felt a pair of arms around me. I look down to see the Crimson hair that belongs to the love of my life as all of yesterday's events flood through my mind. I also remember that today we were going to have to spill everything to the other members of Team Red. If I was being honest I wasn't looking forward to thinking back to those....darker times of my life...But (she gently runs her fingers through Carmen's soft hair) I would do anything for you my Crimson Princess. "mmmm, don't stop doing that" looks like sleeping beauty is up. "As much as I would like to, we do need to get dressed to talk with the others". That's when Carm perked up to look up at me and said "Shit your right.....but five more minutes" as she then returned to my side. I couldn't help but smile knowing that I made her feel safe.

After we got changed we headed down to the second story, where they apparently had a living room of some kind. I was actually quite impressed at the HQ they build, while Carmen did tell me about it this is my first time seeing it. When we finally got to what I assumed to be a lounge of some kind, I was surprised to see that the others were already there waiting for us."Sit, we have much to discuss" is what Shadowsan opened up with. I looked over at Carmen for a second before she nodded and moved over to sit on one of the couches. I follow her and take a seat next to her. They all looked at us before Carmen took a deep breath and spoke "Like we said before it's a long story". The other girl, Ivy was the next to speak "Take your time Carm, we got nothing but time". That when carmen took another breath and began speaking again. "Well, the only way you will understand is if we go back to the beginning.... To my first day as a student at V.I.L.E Academy."       

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