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Roy ran down the stairs into the Foundry with Felicity in his arms. He put her down on the medical table. A bruised Diggle and Tommy came running to Felicity's side. "What happened?!" Dig asked as he brought their medical cart to the table. "We don't know. When we got Ra's, she was already unconscious," Laurel explained. Diggle hooked Felicity to the cardiac monitor. "Her heart rate seems normal," Tommy said, looking at the monitor. Roy and Dig sighed. "Okay. Are you sure she wasn't poisoned?" Tommy asked. "Wait, doesn't the League of Assassins have like a signature poison?" Roy asked. "Tibetan Pit Viper venom. Could she have be--," Beeeeeeeeepppppppp. "No," Oliver said from the top of the stairs. Diggle started working immediately as Roy helped Oliver get down the stairs. "We're losing her," Diggle said. "Dig, the herbs," Oliver said when he reached the bottom of the stairs. Diggle ran over to where they keep Oliver's magical island herbs. He brought them back quickly and shoved one in Felicity's mouth. She still wasn't breathing. Oliver squeezed her cold, limp hands. "Please, Felicity, stay with me," he whispered. Beep beep. Everybody sighed in relief. Oliver took her hand kissed it.

Felicity woke up a day later. Everybody was still surrounding her. Nobody dared to leave. They were scared that if they turned around, she would go away. She slightly moved her head just to take in the view. "Hey," Oliver said softly. "Hey," she said weakly. "You're okay," Oliver assured her. She slightly nodded. Felicity tried to sit up but, was held back by Roy. "Take it easy," he said. Felicity out her head back down. "You wanna go home?" Oliver asked sensitively. "More than anything."

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