9|bad guys

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chapter nine

┍━━━━━━━★━━━━━━━┑chapter nineBAD GUYS┕━━━━━━━★━━━━━━━┙

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"The heart is an arrow. It demands aim to land true ."

- six of crows by leigh bardugo


The events after Murphy's exile were very rushed.Monty tried to fix the communication to the Ark but ended up frying all the bracelets.
Clarke and Finn were God knows where, Bellamy was in his tent where Althea saw two girls enter and Althea? Althea was trying to take a freaking nap.

She turned around in the dropship but all she saw when she closed her eyes was Charlotte's dirty and tear stained face before everything that happened.
"Ugh. Screw it . " the ginger groaned on her back as she got back on her feet and climbed down to the tents.

She smelled like a donkey , well they all did . Her hair was starting to get greasy , she had to talk to Monty and Jasper about building some sort shower to at least throw some water on  themselves .

She glances at Bellamy's tent and hesitated.
He didn't want to see her. Why would he ? But still if she could barely sleep than he probably had the same issues . He cared even more than her about Charlotte .
She walked up and entered the tent but she instantly regretted .
The two girls were next to each other almost naked in Bellamy's made up bed .
"Hello ? A little privacy ? " one of them hissed making Althea want to rip her hair for some reason .

"Is Bellamy here ?"Althea asked in a relaxed tone .
" Shit . " Bellamy whispered behind her.
" Sorry to bother the party, Tinker Bell but may I have a word ? " Althea asked as she turned around and tried not to stare at his naked abdomen , he just had a threesome so she was not exactly happy with him but Althea couldn't explain why .
"Yeah ." he murmured and followed her out of his tent not before he put a shirt on .

" Sorry about that - "
"You are a big boy you do not have to apologise for having sex  . " Althea said , her hands up with a small forced smile .
" What did you want to talk about ? " Bellamy asked trying really hard not to meet her eyes .
"Uhm , how are you ? " Althea asked , biting her lip .
"What ? "
"Well you know after everything that happened , Murphy ... Charlotte - "
"Look, ginger , if you want to play therapist you came to the wrong person . " Bellamy said all of the sudden with anger in his voice , glaring at Althea who was very confused .
"I am not trying to play therapist with you , I was just checking on you because you cared about Charlotte more than I did -"
" I am in no mood to braid each other's hair and share our feelings so sorry to burst your bubble ." Bellamy snarled at her and Althea was speechless at his very aggressive attitude.
"Uhm , okay . " she whispered and tried to ignore the stinging in her eyes as she slowly walked away from Bellamy , not wanting to let him see her emotions .
"Althea - "
"Forget it , Bellamy ! " she shouted with a shaky voice, not facing him and she could not explain the tears forming in her eyes .

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