4~ Home is with the Weasleys

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When they made it home, everyone was waiting outside and immediately crowded around Grace, asking questions rapid fire.

"Are you okay?"

"Where have you been?"

"What happened?"

"Are you hurt?"

"What the hell happened to your hair?"

Bill's arm was bandaged, but he pulled Grace back anyway.

"Okay, guys! Back up! Let mum get through."

Molly came forward and hugged her daughter, waving the others away. "Go. Do something else, you can see Grace later, she's alright." She inspected Grace's hair as the boys slowly walked away, Fred and George lingered for a moment, but Molly gave them a look, and they went inside.

"We'll fix that hair up, first thing."

"Yes please."

Molly got her inside and sat her down, then grabbed the scissors.

"Alright... let's keep it at the length it is. Just straighten it out a bit. How does that sound?"

Grace simply nodded. After a minute of only sniping sounds, Molly spoke up, her voice was soft.

"Do you want to talk about what happened? Where you were."

"I... Lee... we saw him.... And Charlie gave us a broom and told us to run... we... we ended up..."

"Take your time."

Grace took a breath, and when she spoke again, her voice was steadier.

"We ended up at my old house. We went inside... and I saw pictures and I was too much like... too much like her. Next thing I knew, I had cut my hair..." she realized she was still holding the green stuffed bunny tightly.

"I see..." Molly didn't ask anymore questions and let Grace go.

Her head felt lighter and the hair swished around her shoulders as she walked outside and hid in the shed.

A few years ago, Grace had created a small space under the table to hide in when things were too much, she had blankets and pillows, creating a cozy and warm nest. She pulled on Sirius' coat and relaxed in his smell. Her ancestry allowed her to smell scents on even the oldest things.

The door creaked open and Fred and George walked in, shutting the door behind them.


Grace peeked out from under the table at them.

"Hey, you can come in."

They glanced at each other and crawled under the table with her. Leaning back on the pillows and relaxing on either side of her.

Grace pulled an extra blanket out for them and laid her head on George's shoulder when he put an arm around her and Fred kissed her head.

No words were spoken, but in that moment, it felt safe, everything was fine, they could just hold each other close and be happy that everyone was alright.


"Avada Kedavra!"


"Charlie don't-!"

There was a flash of green light and the redhead was laying on the ground, David turned to Grace and Lee.

"Now for you two..."


"Hey, guys, wake up."

The voice pulled Grace from her nightmare, she sat up quickly, shaking.


"I'm here, everything is- Gia! Hey, it's okay, it's alright."

Grace had practically thrown herself on him, crying.

"He... did he hurt you?"

"No, I'm okay. Just a few bruises."

"I thought..."

"I know."

Fred and George had woken up and were looking confused.

"What happened?" George asked hesitantly.

Charlie sighed.

"We had a run in with David last night. That's why Grace and Lee ran off."

"What?!" They exclaimed together.

Grace flinched and Charlie held her a little tighter as Fred and George started talking at once.

"I thought he was in prison!"

"Did he hurt you?"

"What exactly happened?"

"How is he out?"

"Guys, calm down!" Charlie interrupted. "You're not helping. We don't know how he got out, or why he was there, he tried to kill Lee and I assume he was going to kidnap Grace. But he didn't touch her."

"I'm an idiot!" Fred moaned. "I should've been with you the whole time."

"I wasn't there either." George pointed out. "You had Ginny, I should've taken care of Grace."

"Guys, I'm not helpless." Grace mumbled.

"You're still our little sister. We should have been there." Fred said, looking upset.

"Okay, calm down." Charlie said. "What happened, happened. We can't fix it, and nothing terrible went down. Grace and Lee are safe, it won't happen again."

"Damn right!" Fred snapped. "She won't be in that situation again, it's mine and George's fault. We've been so wrapped up in the shop that we've been jerks on more than one occasion." He looked at Grace. "And we're sorry, it won't happen again."

"It's not your fault." Charlie said before Grace could respond. "You two have a life, and Grace knows it, yeah, you shouldn't be jerks, but you have a shop to make. It's a great idea."

Grace nodded.

"Your world shouldn't revolve around me. It should be about you and your shop, it's going to be amazing!"

"Grace, we want you in that dream. You belong there with us." George said. "You came up with it in the first place, we need you. Even if you didn't have any ideas we'd still want you around."

"I... I'm not worth that. I'm not worth any of this. You should've let him take me."

"Grace!" George gasped. "Gigi, no."

That's not true!" Fred said.


"Gia, stop." Charlie said gently. "You're worth more than you could imagine to us. I don't know what twisted lies he's told you, but it's not true." He pulled her back into his lap, and George and Fred joined them in the hug.

Grace's stomach growled and with a start she realized that she was actually hungry. For once she wouldn't have to force herself to eat.

"I love you guys... but I'm really hungry."

George pulled back.

"You are?"


All three boys grinned.

"Then let's go eat!" Charlie said happily, scooting out from under the table and helping Grace and the twins up.

They left the shed and walked towards the house.

"Mum! What's for dinner?" Fred shouted, putting an arm around Grace with a smile. "We have some hungry people out here."

I may post another chapter... I don't know. Thoughts?

Recently I've found a new love for Neville and Grace's friendship and I just 🥺

Love Y'all! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment.

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