Chapter 2, Part 1

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Lumi woke on the ship to find that she was too late. Rough seas haunted them from the moment they left Lombardia, as if the ocean was as distressed as she was that they were leaving. Lumi clung to the railing of the ship, staring out at heaving water that seemed to claw and tug at their ship from all directions. Water lashed at her hands and face and soaked her clothes, and she ignored it.

She kept her eyes on the horizon behind them, even if it was hard to tell where the sky ended and the sea began. She was imagining that she would see a flash of fire on the horizon, or a burst of light, or a speck that grew bigger and bigger until it was close enough to reveal itself as her rescuers. But she had no idea who would come to rescue her.

She was trapped on a ship bound for Singtsu, with her Auntie V and brother, and a crew who were loyal only to the General Virani. They were homebound. She had wished for this moment so many times in Lombardia, and yet now that she was here all that she wanted to do was go back.

She needed to go back, and in her mind she didn't know whether she meant to go back to Lombardia or go back in time. Both seemed equally impossible now.

Jinni was still at the school. She had screamed when she'd awoken to find herself here, without him. Her aunt had stroked her hair and tried to soothe her with meaningless promises, to get a new fire tiger. But Jinni had been Lumi's tiger, her bonded spirit guide, and now she had abandoned him, injured and alone, in Lombardia while she returned home without him.

There were fresh tears on her face as she thought of him. It seemed, on the few days since she'd been aboard this ship, that there was hardly an hour she didn't think of Jinni and weep openly at the thought of him alone and scared in Lombardia, without her.

What would the Lombardians do with him?

What use did they have for a three-legged fire tiger who had already been bonded to another starrling? They would kill him, she was sure of it. There was no reason to keep him alive. No reason to feed and care for a giant beast who would never fight again.

Lumi swallowed down the tears.

And then there was everything else she had left.

Prince Raphael of Lombardia, lying dead in the arena, fatally wounded by a water dragon who had charged after him in the chaos of the Midwinter Championships.

Princess Katja, who had wept for her love.

Ariane Domez, who had been instantly framed for his death.

Tomas Wilder, who had been gravely injured in his fight.

They'd tried to stop a war, tried to stop an attack, tried to stop more people from getting hurt, and yet somehow they'd only made everything worse. Instead of stopping a fiery blast, they'd somehow found themselves in the middle of a dispute between the aggrieved Vastiens and the powerful King's Garde on lionback.

Raphael had died, and his father, King Matthias, had declared war on Vastier in vengeance of his son, wrongly believing that he had died at the hands of a Vastien.

Lumi's one task, in going to Lombardia, was to forge friendships and stop war. But everyone had assumed that war would happen between the Fire Lands and Lombardia, as it had over ten years ago in the Fire War. Now, a new war was breaking out between Lombardia and Vastier.

And instead of helping in any way she could, Lumi found herself on a ship, fleeing.

She almost jumped when she realised her aunt was standing next to her at the rail. The general's approach had been masked by the crashing of the waves, so Lumi hadn't noticed the woman or her huge white tiger until the last moment.

Lumi felt a surge of anger at her aunt, and a confusing mix of love and betrayal.

She loved her aunt, perhaps more than anyone in the world. Since Lumi's mother had died, her Auntie V had been like a mother to her. She had been always kind and gentle with Lumi, and always supported her. Lumi had always dreamed of following in her aunt's footsteps, joining the Fire Army and following her aunt when she went on long missions.

"You've betrayed me," Lumi said, more to the ocean than to her aunt.

"My love," Auntie V said, and she put her hand on the rail next to Lumi's, but Lumi snatched her own away. "My priority has always been your safety and your happiness."

"You knew about Tai's plan. You knew he wanted to attack the Midwinter Championships. Why else would you have been there?" Lumi snapped.

"I heard a rumour of a plan, and I rushed to New Hamilton to ensure the two of you were safe," Auntie V said. "I'm thankful to the stars I was able to make it there in time to bring the two of you home. It's no longer safe for you in Lombardia. You'll be safe in the Fire Lands. This is what you wanted, Lumi. You never wanted to marry Raphael."

"Raphael is dead because of Tai."

"Darling," Auntie V said softly.

Lumi swallowed. "If you at least let me go back to get Jinni. I need Jinni."

"Your bond with the tiger was too fresh, and he's too injured. He's not fit for a princess's kinnling, my love. It's better if you move on. I know it's hard."

Lumi stared at her aunt, and then glanced at her aunt's huge white tiger. "Would you give up Silka, if she'd lost a leg? Would you abandon her?"

Auntie V's mouth became a thin line.

"You would never abandon your kinnling. I need to go back for him."

"It's not safe," Auntie V said. "I wish that you could. But Lombardia has just declared war. I can't let you go back there."

"Tai started this war!" Lumi cried.

"My love, my love," Auntie V soothed. "Please, I need you to think rationally. This is a war between Lombardia and Vastier. It is a war we shall have no part in. Tai cannot be blamed for this."

"I cannot believe a word you have ever spoken to me," Lumi said. "You have lied to me my entire life. Lied to me about your daughter. Lied to me about a cousin I never knew I had. Why wouldn't you tell me you had a daughter? Why didn't you tell me that Sanna van Dael is my cousin?"

thanks for reading, you star xx

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