"So? I don't exactly act like a King does," Ben said with a small chuckle as Mal moved to sit on his desk. "Besides, once you become a member of my court, you'd be able to attend more council meetings and we could see each other more often."

"Not really selling it there Ben," Mal said, making a small face. "I attended one of your council meetings and almost ended up having a fight with Zeus."

"You never did tell me what that was about by the way," Ben said, looking over at her. "I mean, I know Lord Zeus is your dad's brother and there's no love lost between the two of them but I don't—."

"Ben, don't worry about it," Mal said, shaking her head softly. "It's just family drama. That's all."

"Mal, the last time the Gods had 'family drama' as you put it, your dad almost successfully pulled off a coup to take over Olympus."

"And my father is currently trapped on an Isle with a barrier around it," Mal told him. "Not to mention I have no intention of taking over Olympus. I've seen what being in charge is like based on how much paperwork you have to do. No thank you."

Ben chuckled as Mal leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"I think you missed," he said, a teasing tone coloring his voice.

"Oh did I now?" Mal teased back. "Well let me correct that your highness."

She leaned forward once more but before she had a chance to connect her lips to his, her phone buzzed. Sighing, Mal leaned back and flipped it open; holding the cellular device to her ear. Ben couldn't make out who was talking but Mal seemed to grow more and more tense with every word. It seemed to Ben that whoever was on the other line was in charge of the conversation as Mal was really only able to let out a few sounds of agreement before she grew silent once more. Finally Mal hung up and slid off the desk.

"Sorry Ben," she said softly. "I gotta go."

"Everything okay?" Ben asked, getting up to at least walk her to the door.

Mal gave him a small, sad smile that Ben could tell didn't reach her eyes. "It's...it's fine Ben. Everything's fine."

As Ben walked her to the door, he reached over and took Mal's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze and earning a small smile in return.

"See you at dinner?" Ben asked, his voice soft.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Mal promised before lifting up on her tiptoes and placing a gentle kiss on Ben's cheek.

That had been two weeks ago and ever since then, Natalie had been like a woman possessed with her schedule. Mal wasn't quite sure but she was almost positive that she'd had fourteen meetings or events throughout the past two days.

Was this payback, for Leah's untimely demise? Mal wasn't going to lie and say she was all cut up about the geriatric bat's death but she knew Natalie had always spoken about Leah with a certain fondness.

That being said, it didn't excuse either one for being so nutty Mal was amazed squirrels didn't attack them for food. Though, now that Leah was no longer of this world, was it right to keep thinking of her in such a negative light? Speak no ill of the dead and all that?

Well think about it this way, Mal told herself. Leah would probably not stop thinking negative things about you if you died. Why grant her the courtesy that she wouldn't give to you?

Unfortunately, Mal knew the answer was as plain as the nose on her face. By doing the same thing Leah would do, she was no better than the former waste of oxygen or her blonde cohort. Besides, Ben never said anything negative about anyone and he seemed happier for it. If she didn't want to be an embarrassment to him, she should start following his example.

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