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"Somebody's happy!" I heard and looked over to see Lexie sliding into the barstool next to me, I beamed a smile at her, I just couldn't help it "Ugh, stop that, I'll go blind."

"I'm just happy." I shrugged, grin still on my face "It's not a crime."

"Definitely not." She giggled "You deserve to be a little happy."

"I'm a little more than just a little happy."

"Why do I have the feeling it has to do with a dreamy eyed brain surgeon more than the fact that your divorce is finally final?"

"It has everything to do with a dreamy brain surgeon." I grinned, her smile faded a little and she gave me the sister look "Lex?"

"Mer." She sighed "I love you, and I want you happy...but you just got divorced."

"I know." I said "I got out of a very unhappy marriage and so what if my knight in shining whatever happened to come along right away...I'm not going to miss out because of some kind of invisible rules that say certain things have to happen before you can date again."

"I know, I know." She moaned "I just don't want to see you hurt."

"Derek won't hurt me."

"How do you know?"

"You mean other than the fact that he saved my life?" I smiled and ran my finger over the rim of my glass "He just won't. I just know. I can feel and sense in me there's something about him that he couldn't live with himself if he ever hurt me. There's a connection there Lexie, I can't put my finger on it but I feel that it's there."

Lexie's expression changed as if she'd understood exactly what I was talking about. She simply nodded and smiled.

"Ok, well I'm glad that you're happy." She said "But if he does hurt you I'm killing him."

"Put you're rifle down Annie Oakley." We heard behind us and both turned to see said dreamy eyed brain surgeon "Not going to happen."

"Is that so?" I smirked as he wrapped an arm around me and laid one hell of a kiss on me.

"Yes." He breathed against my now swollen lips "That's so."

I giggled as his lips came down against mine again and I felt his tongue take up territory inside my mouth. After a few long moments I heard a disgusted groan and looked over to see a look on Lexie's face that matched such a sound.

"Ugh." She groaned again "You're making me sick."

"You remember all the time I had to sit and watch you and Mark unable to keep your hands off each other?"


"Payback is a bitch." I grinned.

Lexie rolled her eyes and coincidentally Mark walked through the door, she left to go meet up with him. Derek smiled as he leaned in and placed soft kisses on the tip if my nose and brush my lips gently.

"I have a million dollar question for you." He said.

"Oh, what are my chances of winning such a prize?"

"I'd say fifty-fifty." He smirked.


"Do you want to get out of here?"

"Are you paying me to go sleep with you?" I giggled "A million dollars?"

"I don't have the cash on me, but I'll pay you in sexual favors."

I grinned and hopped off the stool.


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