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"Deacon." I mumbled as soon as he released my lips from his.

"Hey." He smiled warmly again and caressed his fingers against my cheek "I'm so glad you're finally awake."

"Yeah well I guess getting beaten to death it might take a while."

"God look at you." He grinned "I can't believe it, I feel like it's been so long."

"It has been long." I nodded "It's been over two years."

"I know." He said as his chin quivered a little and his eyes glossed with water "Meredith when you were gone...when they said you were dead...well that, that just about killed me."

"I'm sure you were miserable." Mark scoffed.

I glanced up to see him glaring protectively at the interaction between us. I wasn't sure what that was all about. I know Mark never really liked Deacon but he'd never really been rude or hostile towards the guy. Lexie didn't even look happy to see him and she loved Deacon.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled "Am I missing something?"

"No." Lexie jumped up and nearly shoved Mark out the door "You two need to talk, we'll give you some privacy."

Mark mumbled something profane as I slowly swept my eyes back to Deacon who still smiled at me like I was the only person in the room. Ok I was the only person in the room but I felt warm under his attention.

"So, you're here."

"And so are you."

"Were you here all along?" I asked as I watched his face for emotion.

"Yes." He nodded "Well I would come at night and sit for a while, I'd check on you. I didn't want to be seen around here much because well..." he gestured towards the door "Your family doesn't seem to like me much anymore."

"Yeah." I frowned "Why is that?"

"Well I think they kind of blamed me for what happened to you." He said "We had a big blow out at your memorial service. They said if I had been around that maybe you wouldn't have been taken."

"It wasn't your fault." I gasped as I felt my heart hitch in my chest. His hand wrapped around mine and he looked softly at me "You didn't do anything wrong. I'm the one that left."

"Yeah, you were." He nodded, I felt a little rumble in my gut but I ignored it "But I feel like this is a miracle Mer...I mean you were dead and now you're not. I feel like this is a second chance...not just for life but for us."


He caressed my hand and I felt him bring it to his lips and kiss it softly "I want us to give it a try Mer. I want us to work out. We were so in love when we first got married. And I want that back."

Truth was, I did too. I missed the old Deacon, the one I fell in love with. And I was having a hard time remembering the Deacon that I left. I was having trouble pinpointing what it was that made me move out. I couldn't remember. And even so, he was asking me for a second chance. I couldn't deny that, I never gave up on anything no matter how much it hurt me. Hence, why I'm in a hospital bed right now. I couldn't sleep at night without knowing I gave it my all.

"Ok." I nodded "We'll try."

"Thank you." He said with relief and leaned in for another kiss. "Are you hungry, can I get you anything?"

"Um, ice chips actually sound good. My throat is a little dry."

"I'll be back soon." He nodded and smiled.

As he walked out the door Dr. McHottie walked in, he nodded and smiled as he made his way towards me. His eyes locked on mine and I felt my temperature physically rise. He was sex on legs but I'd never admit it. Whoever he went home to at night was one lucky lady, that much was for sure. He gave Deacon a smile and a nod before making his way to my bedside. It was all I could help to do as I stared and drooled.

"You look better today."

"You say that every day." I smiled "Does that mean I've looked like crap?"

"No." he chuckled warmly "You look...."


"That's a good word to use." He rolled his eyes and flipped open my chart "You're not asking for quite as many pain meds."

"I hate having my mind all cloudy, it's been damaged enough I think."

"You are right." He said as he took out his flashlight and shined it into my pupils "But if you're in pain I think you should take the drugs. There's no sense in suffering...you've had that enough for sure."

My expression softened as he continued to examine me. I remembered what Lexie had said in our last conversation and I felt a lump grow at the base of my throat.

"They said that you're the one who found me."

He stopped his exam and looked at me as if he were reading to see what my reaction was.

"Yeah." He nodded nonchalantly "Mark and I found you."

"For what it's worth...thank you."

"It's nothing." He smiled.

"It's a lot." I mumbled "You didn't even know me."

"You're important to a lot of people here." He said "And I'm glad I was able to help bring you back to them."

I smiled and nodded. He was so humble, which in turn made him even hotter. God I hate the woman on principle who makes his bed in the morning.

"So I see you had a new visitor."

"Yeah." I said snapping out of my trance "Deacon."

His back stiffened a little, why did Deacon have that effect one everyone? Did they really blame him for my disappearance? It's not right.

"Oh...your husband Deacon."

"Um, yeah." I mumbled..

"I heard you guys were separated. I'm sorry to hear it."

"Actually." I interjected "We decided to give it another go. Life is short and maybe this is a second chance for things. So we're going to try to work on the marriage again."

He didn't look at me, his back was to me. But if his face said anything that his shoulder muscles did it almost looked like the statement caused him pain. But he finally turned around with a smile on his lips, it didn't reach his pretty blue eyes though.

"That's great." He smiled "I think it's nice when two people can humble themselves and work on things that can be worked on."

That can be worked on? What did that mean...I hope everyone doesn't expect ME to believe that Deacon was responsible for my disappearance.

"You look bothered." I said, he let out a sigh as he scribbled in my chart and then set it down.

"I'm worried about your pain." He said, I knew it was a lie "No one should have to be in pain. So please, take the meds."

I nodded and watched as he flashed me a quick smile and turned to whiz out the door. Somehow I had a feeling that he wasn't talking about my pain...but I still had no freaking idea why.

Deacon is her husband for all intensive purposes. At the moment, Derek is just a delishous sight for sore eyes that she knows NOTHING about... now, you're not going to like Deacon. I'm sure of that...And yes, Derek will win in the end. Deacon will run his course and be gone with.

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