Emerald walked out looking clean and actually pretty happy.

"Vinny, thank you. Just taking an actual shower made my day so much better, and I was actually wanting to apologize for how I was treating you. I appreciate what you have done" Emerald said

"NOW KISS!" Nora yelled

"Grrr WE ARE NOT TOGETHER" Emerald yelled

"Guys, just get ready so we can go," I said

It took about an hour for all of us to get ready but soon after we left the hotel.

"Hi i would like to check out of the hotel," I told the man at the desk

"Very well, I hope you had a great time and you come back soon" he responded

We walked to a nearby diner and sat down.

We each got some pancakes, and it was a mistake.

"I NEED MORE!!!" Nora yelled while Ren and I were trying to get her to settle down.

"Nora, we can get you more, just calm down or they will kick us out," I said

"Fine," she said as she sat down

The waitress came over "uh, anything else I can get you?"

"Yeah can I get a stack of 5 pancakes," I said

"Yes sir, coming right up," she said

"Nora, please try to keep things a bit more civil, if you like pancakes that much ill get you a pancake chef when haskaria has more money," I said

"Really???" She said happily

"Yep, that's something else I want to look at when we aren't busy....getting more money," I said

"Oh? How we gonna do that" Emerald asked

I get a large grin "im glad you asked, see like I said yesterday, I can create dust at my disposal, high-quality stuff too, here let me show you" I said creating a large military-grade air crystal.

"Wow, that's amazing. Ive not seen dust so pure" said a man from behind me

The man had red hair and green eyes... it's probably Pyrrha's dad.

"You said you can make dust at will, I may know someone who will buy all the dust you can make, the names Peleus Nikos by the way," he said

Knew it

"Very well, but I do have a favor to ask of you, I need you to play my dad for an hour or so," I asked

"Why?" He asked

"You'll find out, follow me," I said

He agreed and we finished our food and I left a generous tip of 10kL.

We left and I headed back to the printing shop with the others and stepped into the same smell of ink and paper.

"Hey im back for the flyers," I said to the lady at the register

"Great, is this your dad?" She asked

"Uh yes I am his father, how did the uh flyers turn out," he said

"Oh! Yes. They are probably the best I have ever done, they are sure to get people to your village." She said plopping down a stack of papers

She handed one to each of us to have a look.

It was simple but effective. It had a great blue white and gold color scheme

It read
*Are you tired of living life in an overcrowded city, full of crime and corruption? Join Haskaria today! To join meet at the front gate at 6 pm for further instructions, or go to the village the used to be kuroyuri. Faunus welcome!!*

The King of Remnant Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat