Chapter 07. 04 January 1900

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4 January 1900

I opened my eyes and Jackie was laying there staring at me. "What day is it?” I asked.

“Thursday, 4th Jan. You were here only yesterday.”

“Cool,” I said. “Seems like I got out of the locked room ok.”

Jackie smiled. “And your pyjamas.”

I quickly pulled the sheet over myself. “Hey don’t look,” I laughed but secretly I was pleased that she looked. It gave me a thrill to know that she liked to look at me naked. I certainly would like to see her naked. But right now I had to get decent before Mrs. Andrews showed up. “Did you bring some clothes for me?” I asked.

“Of course!” Jackie said. I knew you would wake up in here with me. She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek before she got up and threw some clothes at me.

“Turn around while I get dressed.” I said. She gave a little snicker but she turned around while I pulled on the clothes she had given me. “We will have to get some bigger clothes.”

“Why don’t those fit?”

“No. I mean yes. These ones fit but sometimes I am going to show up bigger, older I mean. I hope I am bigger.”

“Oh yeah. I suppose we will.”

Then we heard the key in the lock and Mrs. Andrews opened the locked door.

“Well, that proves it, there is something like magic going on here. I guess we will have to make some adjustments if you are going to keep popping in like that.”

Jackie and I headed off to the cow bails to do the milking. It struck me as odd that their cows all came home for milking whereas I had to always go and find some of ours that refused to come home. I was thinking why this may be when Jackie asked. “Did you find anything in the encyclopaedias?”

“Not really.” I said. "There is a lot of information in them but you can’t just ask them a question. You have to wade through big mobs of information most of which is not relevant. I could not find Inglewood nor Johnson’s Hill or Johnson’s Creek. The best I could do was find out that gold was discovered in Gympie in Oct 1867 but everybody knows that anyway. I do know that you don’t end up being the first woman doctor though. There have been women doctors in some form or another since before Christ was born. Though there were a couple of standouts last century, One women who dressed as a man for 46 years so she could be a doctor and then Elizabeth Blackwell who was the first woman to graduate from medical school in 1849. In fact she is still alive now in 1900 that is, she dies in 1910. She lives in America though.”

“So what about Australia? When did we start getting women doctors?”

“Around about now the first four graduated in 1891. So it is not impossible. So with my help and your brains you should be a shoe in.”

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